BMC心理学: Highlights of 2015

In 2015BMC心理学published an exciting array of papers covering a wide range of topics. Now that 2016 is upon us, we highlight the five most popular papers (in chronological order) from the past 12 months in the journal.

1. The declarative system in children with specific language impairment


Scrabble Tile Jumble(Caitlin Regan,Flickr)A studypublishedby Dorothy Bishop and Hsinjen Hsu in February examined the declarative system in children with SLI. Children with SLI (aged 7-11 years) and age matched typically-developing children were examined, as well as a third group of younger (4-6 years) typically-developing children who were matched according to their scores on a test of receptive grammar (procedural learning). Children were given vocabulary task and a non-verbal paired associate learning task during four separate training sessions.

For all three groups of children, accuracy increased for both tasks across the four training sessions, with a ceiling effect evident during the vocabulary task in the last training session. Statistical analysis indicated that the rate of learning was comparable across all groups. However, children with SLI learned fewer words from the first test session, relative to age-matched controls; although their scores remained below their age-matched peers, children with SLI made similar gains from session to session, as did the younger children matched on grammatical comprehension level. Thus, these results appear to support a procedural learning deficit in children with SLI, and demonstrate that declarative memory is relatively intact in these children.


Different psychological treatments have developed in parallel, and as such some of their therapeutic interventions may overlap. Two such interventions are Metacognition and Mindfulness. Put simply, metacognition can be described as ‘thinking about thinking’ and refers to awareness and control of one’s own knowledge and learning. In contrast, meditation is used to develop the skills of Mindfulness, a state in which an individual pays attention to the present moment, both internally and externally.

Meditation (Take Back Your Health Conference, Flickr)In a studypublished3月,Stian Solem及其同事探讨了元认知如何与正念概念有关,哪些最好地预测了情绪障碍的症状。作者使用一系列自我报告的问卷来评估元认知(使用元认知问卷(MCQ)),正念(使用五个方面的正念问卷(FFMQ))和心理健康(检查症状,抑郁症,全身焦虑症和普遍性焦虑症和全身性症状在网上招募的挪威参与者中的强迫症)。然后,他们使用相关性和因素分析来研究元认知和正念之间的关系,表明假设元认知与正念有关。

Two clusters of traits were identified within the subscales of the FFMQ and MCQ, described as a metacognitive factor and a mindfulness factor by the authors. The metacognitive factor was found to be the strongest predictor of symptoms of depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders. However, the authors also suggest that some of the most characteristic and unique features of mindfulness may be least important for psychological wellbeing.

3. Unhealthy snacking: do habits always override intentions?

Habit formation is the process by which behaviors become automatic. We all have habits which we would rather kick, but does the psychology of habit formation mean that your new year’s resolution to eat better is doomed to failure?

cupcakes long

A studypublishedby Benjamin Gardner and colleagues in March examined whether habitual unhealthy snacking behavior can be overridden by intentions to avoid snacking. Study participants completed an online questionnaire in which they provided measures of habit (using the the Self-Report Behavioural Automaticity Index) and intention to避免吃不健康的小吃。两周后,使用食品频率调查表测量了21种不同零食食品的食物频率调查表。研究人员将21种零食中的14种归类为不健康(基于营养成分以及与疾病预防和健康促进的关系),从中产生了不健康的零食摄入变量。


4. Finding meaning in life while living with HIV


The meaning to life (Leland Fransisco, Flickr) cropped5月,Carolyn Audet及其同事published他们验证了生命量表(HIVMS)的新型HIV意义的研究。为了制定适当的量表来衡量艾滋病毒意义,研究人员参与了规模开发和验证,艾滋病毒护理和治疗,以及与绝症患者一起工作以识别适当措施的心理学家。然后,受到现有含义的量表(13个项目的连贯性工具感)的启发,他们针对HIV+人群量身定制了四个正面措辞的问题。HIV+研究参与者都在美国的一个中心接受护理,并与其他心理健康措施一起完成了HIVM。分析表明,艾滋病毒意义与心理健康的其他度量之间存在正相关,支持HIVM的有效性作为“有意义感”的衡量。


实施(改编自Scott Rettberg,Flickr)循证实践需要很长时间才能纳入常规医疗保健。实施科学是一个新兴领域,重点是“对促进研究发现和其他基于证据的实践对常规实践的方法的科学研究,从而提高卫生服务和护理的质量和有效性”.

Mark Bauer and colleaguespublisheda debate article which introduced the principles of implementation science to the readership ofBMC心理学。尽管只是发表在9月,哈s been our most popular article of 2015 on social media (according to高度)。


