BMC公共卫生: Review of 2015

BMC公共卫生published a vast array of exciting research in 2015, with highly accessed articles covering a range of widely discussed topics. Here, we present an overview of some of the journal’s most frequently read articles of the year.

Is an insecure job better for health than having no job at all? A systematic review of studies investigating the health-related risks of both job insecurity and unemployment.

失业与健康状况不佳之间的联系一直是许多研究的主题。但是,也有堆叠证据表明,并非所有有偿的就业类型都对我们的健康有益。在Tae Jun Kim和Olaf von Dem Knesebeck的系统评论中,与失业相关的工作相比,研究了与健康不安全感有关的健康风险。研究结果表明,工作不安全感和失业对心理健康也同样重要。但是,工作不安全感与不良身体健康症状的发展更加密切相关,而失业率与整体健康和死亡率较差的关联更强。这项系统审查的结果清楚地表明,未来的健康政策应双重关注失业率带来的健康风险,以及减少就业人群中工作不安全感的风险。

Associations between e-cigarette access and smoking and drinking behaviours in teenagers.

e-cigarrette (Ecig Click, Flickr)电子烟的广告大幅增加是传统烟草产品的更健康替代品,以及在市场上轻松访问它们的替代品,这使人们对青少年使用这些产品的使用引起了人们的关注。为了了解问题的程度,卡伦·休斯(Karen Hughes)和同事对英格兰西北部的14至17岁儿童进行了横断面调查。该研究的目的是确定电子烟的访问与其他参数之间的关联,包括人口统计学,典型的吸烟行为,酒精使用以及获得香烟和酒精的方法。令人惊讶的是,五分之一的参与者确认他们已经访问了电子烟,而这些人中有16%以前没有尝试过传统的香烟。在电子烟的使用与男性性别之间发现了独立的相关性,父母或监护人吸烟和饮酒。总之,这项研究的结果表明,儿童主要将电子烟的用法视为娱乐活动,而不是停止常规吸烟的方法。因此,迫切需要实施控制促进和销售电子烟向未成年人的卫生政策。

In a relatedblog,,,,Dr Wilson M. Compton of the US National Institute on Drug Abuse, tells us more about the risks e-cigarettes pose to the next generation.

Parental smoking and child poverty in the UK: an analysis of national survey data.

在2011年至2012年之间,据估计,居住在英国的儿童中约有17%生活在相对贫困中。众所周知,生活在相对贫困中的儿童的饮食不良,学校缺席,抑郁症以及其他严重潜在的长期健康状况的发展风险增加。因此,鉴定造成儿童贫困的可避免因素对于旨在理解和降低其流行率的未来政策的制定至关重要。Charmaine Belvin及其同事使用国家调查数据进行了一项研究,以估算父母吸烟的程度,这给家庭预算带来了额外的负担,这加剧了英国儿童贫困的发展。该研究的结果表明,2012年居住在贫困中的儿童中,多达50%或110万人与一位吸烟的父母一起生活。此外,作者估计,如果从家庭总收入中减去烟草支出,那么此时将大约有432,000名其他儿童被归类为生活在贫困中。

合着者泰莎·兰利(Tessa Langley)讨论了这一重要研究hereand emphasizes that if the government prioritizes providing accessible individual-level smoking cessation support it could have a major effect on child poverty.


酒精(Paul Joseph,Flickr)Films are a worldwide source of recreational entertainment and many studies have indicated their potential as powerful promoters of particular products and types of behavior. Furthermore, studies conducted within Europe and the United States have demonstrated that depiction of smoking and alcohol usage in films promotes adoption of these behaviors in adolescents. Research by Inti Barrientos-Gutierrez and colleagues aimed to compare the presence and amount of alcohol or tobacco use in films produced in Europe, Latin America and the United States. The findings demonstrate that films produced in the US were less likely to contain any tobacco use both overall and in films rated suitable for adolescent viewing. In contrast, the overall prevalence of films containing alcohol use was higher than that for tobacco and depiction in US films was similar to that in films produced in the other countries that were investigated. In conclusion, this study indicates that inhibitory tobacco product placement policies in the US have been somewhat successful at influencing the content of films produced in this region. Further studies are required to investigate the effects of alcohol and tobacco depiction in films on adolescents. This could lead to the successful development and implementation of policies designed to reduce the exposure of adolescents to these detrimental behaviors.

关于吸烟和健康的公共卫生慈善行动在这与电影中有关吸烟图像的更多解释blog阿曼达·桑福德(Amanda Sandford)解释了在社交媒体中减少吸烟图像的方式,音乐视频和计算机游戏构成了一个特殊的挑战,只能通过改变吸烟的态度来解决。


几项研究已经证明的重要性f childhood conditions in the development of early and middle adulthood obesity. However, the effects of regional variations in conditions experienced during early life as opposed to characteristics of a specific individual or their family remain underexplored. In an attempt to bridge this gap in knowledge, Hui Zeng and Dmitry Tumin conducted a prospective study on a Great Depression-era American cohort. The authors determined that birth region and educational status influenced the adulthood obesity risk in women but not men. The study indicates that development of polices aimed at increasing education and controlling for risk factors associated with specific regions rather than individuals may result in significant improvements to women’s long-term health. In contrast, adult health behaviors may have more influence on the development of male adulthood obesity than early-life conditions.

