World Heart Day 2020: #UseYourHeart to fight COVID-19

患有心脏病及其危险因素的人更容易受到严重形式的COVID-19,而Covid-19的5例患者中有1名患者有心脏肌肉损伤的证据。在我们的博客中World Heart Day 2020we look at a selection of studies registered at theISRCTNregistrythat are investigating heart health and COVID-19.

Covid-19的心脏并发症是死亡的主要原因,但目前尚不清楚其基本机制。严重的细菌感染can affect the entire human body, including the heart function, and bacteria from the mouth can causeinfective endocarditis,严重的心脏感染。那么SARS-COV-2病毒如何影响COVID-19患者的心脏?

TheCOVID-HEARTstudy aims to use cardiac MRI scans to investigate how often, and in what way, the heart becomes damaged, and how the heart recovers 6 months later. Patients will also be asked to provide an optional blood sample for genetic and immunological testing.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted healthcare systems worldwide, and many patients have experienced changes in the care they receive. Arecall study正在与优化HFPEF研究的参与者联系,包括具有保留的射血分数(HFPEF)的心力衰竭患者以及护理人员和医疗保健专业人员,以探索这些变化的影响。这是正在进行的研究计划的一部分,该计划旨在为HFPEF患者设计优化的管理途径。

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在我们的世界心脏日博客中last year, we discussed studies of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for patients in cardiac arrest. In out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), patient survival depends on a series of precise and coordinated actions from the moment the patient collapses.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused changes in patient care that particularly impact the treatment of OHCA. Emergency teams must take more precautions and there are more restrictions for recommending an initial citizen intervention.

TheOHSCARstudy is looking at whether these delays and reduced bystander CPR affect survival after OHCA, whether they will be maintained even when the pandemic ends, and if they will affect future CPR recommendations.

As of September 2020 there are currently no studies registered at ISRCTN with interventions specifically targeting heart complications from COVID-19, although there are many other COVID-19 clinical trials as described in our previousblog5月,有许多更多试验added since then.

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Until an effective treatment or vaccine is developed, can people reduce their risk of heart complications from COVID-19? People with COVID-19 who are obese are more likely to become seriously ill and be admitted to intensive care, so the UK Government has recently launched anew national campaignto encourage people to eat better, drink less alcohol and get active, all in order to cut their risk of COVID-19 complications.

Similarly, theCRISO研究正在评估一项预防计划,以降低早产冠心病患者亲属的心脏病风险。吸烟,饮食不佳和缺乏运动与肥胖,低血压以及血糖和胆固醇控制不佳有关,所有这些都是导致心脏病的危险因素。如果修改了这些生活方式因素,这可能会降低心脏病的风险。

As well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, theWorld Heart Federation还敦促人们不要让Covid-19阻止他们参加定期检查,并在需要时使用紧急服务。他们正在展示COVID-19的前线英雄及其患者的故事Heart Heroeswebsite.

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