
Research has played a major role in the history of the NHS over the last 70 years: through development and evaluation, to research aimed at improving patient experience and the quality, accessibility and organization of health and social care services. In this blog Matt Westmore from the NIHR discusses one element of how the research community ensures that what it does adds value to the NHS: study registration in publicly available registries.



Why is study registration important?

其核心是一个简单的想法:所有研究should be registered in publicly accessible places. The reasons for this span ethical, moral, accountability, research integrity and waste reduction perspectives.

For example:

  • 开放对研究社区(资助者,学者,出版商,监管机构等)非常重要,并对患者和公众了解发生了什么研究以及发生了什么。

In summary the general consensus is that registries like ISRCTN are a good, necessary, and valuable part of our global research system.

  • revised Declaration of Helsinki,被广泛认为是人类研究伦理的基石文件,“每个临床试验都必须在招募第一主题之前在公共访问数据库中注册”。
  • 世界卫生组织(WHO),,,,a significant player in advancing the principles and practice of clinical trial registration, states that “the mission of the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform is to ensure that a complete view of research is accessible to all those involved in health care decision making. This will improve research transparency and will ultimately strengthen the validity and value of the scientific evidence base”.
  • 国际医学杂志编辑委员会advocates for trial registration and many journals now will not consider publishing trials unless they are appropriately registered.
  • NIHRand many other research funders insist on registration for trials and evidence synthesis and fund registries likeISRCTNfor trials andPROSPERO用于系统评价。
  • 英国卫生研究管理局已将注册用于临床试验的道德批准。换句话说,没有它,您将无法进行临床试验。
  • 确保研究价值(EVIR)全球资助者论坛致力于其十个指导原则研究注册。该论坛说:“研究应尽可能以适当的,与设计相关的公共访问注册表进行注册”,并且“注册对于防止无意的重复非常重要,并为以后的问责制提供了审核点(例如,确定非公开性)”。
  • Registration is a requirement of美国食品药品监督管理局批准及其在European Union Clinical Trials Directive


So, job done. All studies are registered, are they? Well no, it’s not that simple, not even for clinical trials and certainly not for other study types.




同样并不总是清楚在哪里注册。有时,它相当简单,例如用于临床试验(例如ISRCTN)和证据综合(例如PROSPERO),并且有新的功能即将到来,例如临床前研究(例如https://www.preclinicaltrials.eu/)。But what about other types of research? Where should they register? That might not be clear, but what is clear is that it would be counterproductive for the solution to be an explosion of siloed registries all focused on niche areas.



So where do we go next with study registration? While the case has been made for clinical trial registration, we need to make it much easier to comply with requirements and to monitor non-compliance. Beyond clinical trials more work is needed – the case needs making more strongly and the infrastructure, for example where to register other study types, needs working on.

Whilst this might be difficult to achieve, we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that at its heart study registration is a simple idea, but one that has already had a major impact on the quality, integrity and value of clinical trials and has the potential to do so more broadly for health-related research.

这views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the NIHR, NHS or the Department of Health and Social Care.

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