

In 2010, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) put into place the world’s first freedom of information policy that also covered clinical trial data (EMA Policy 0043)。五年后,它仍然是世界上唯一从其持股中自由和无条件释放临床试验数据的监管机构。

We have先前记录的如何这样做革命政策已经发布了数百万页的监管数据。但是这些分析仅向我们展示了该系统是如何从30,000英尺的角度工作的。今天,我们阐明了该系统在地面上的运作方式。


Our paper published today inTrials向EMA报告一个案例系列,以获取监管数据。这12个请求是针对29种药物和生物制剂的118,000页。这包括我们2011年对tamiflu数据的要求,该数据启用了我们Cochrane评论开始超越出版物,而是考虑更详细的临床研究报告该监管机构通常用于理解和评估试验。


Given the growing recognition of regulatory data as the key to unlocking reporting bias in the scientific literature, we report that using the EMA’s new system is more complex and convoluted than one might hope—and that there are signs of a system that must throttle its output to cope with demands.

响应时间越来越长,输出似乎正在放缓,官僚机构占上风。然而,该系统的输出 - 临床试验数据否则无法访问 - 更重要,因为迹象表明EMA的单独数据访问策略(策略0070)可能不会兑现其承诺excessive redaction of documents


选中时,偏见也许由我们的经验和意见ps, but we think closest to the truth than anything else we have seen. In short this is the way it has been for us for the last five years. We know from informal contacts with other researchers that things for some of them are even worse, bewildered by a new lexicon and showered with letters written in EMA bureaucratese.



值得努力改善EMA实践,也许有更多的资源和定期的公开审核。我们认为这里可能会有教训新兴clinical trial dataaccess schemein Canada under the new凡妮莎定律

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