
这是萨拉·维尼斯(Sarah Venis)和曼森(MédicinsSans)曼森(MédicinsSans)的曼森(Manson)单位的嘉宾帖子。在本周五的无国界医生科学日之前,他们研究了研究和证据在人道主义援助中的作用。

自12月5日以来,一波暴力席卷了中非共和国的首都Bangui。MédecinsSansantières(MSF)在社区医院接受了伤员。大多数人受到枪声或砍刀和刀具等武器的伤害。©Camille Lepage/Polaris

今年标志着20Th卢旺达种族灭绝的周年纪念日,其中50万至100万人被残酷杀害。国际社会未能采取行动MSF得出结论“您不能与医生停止种族灭绝”。The aftermath of the genocide included analysis of the failures of humanitarian aid and led to moves to improve its quality and accountability. But how far has humanitarian aid moved since then?


2013年,无国界医生无法保证其员工的安全性离开索马里的艰难决定22年之后。上周,五无国界医生组织的员工终于被释放了船尾er being kidnapped in Syria in January; again resulting in MSF having to withdraw medical assistance from populations in dire need.


在今年5月23日的无国界医生科学日证据在人道主义决策中的作用is the central question addressed by our Keynote Speaker, Jennifer Leaning of the FXB Harvard School of Health and Human Rights. On a similar theme, Paul Spiegel of UNHCR will chair a panel discussion on how humanitarian agencies should balance research and action in a session that includes research on provision of HIV care in conflict in CAR and Yemen, water quality in refugee camps in South Sudan and an epidemic of sexual and gender-based violence in Papua New Guinea.




Last year, over 2000 people tuned in on the day in over 90 countries, including many where MSF works. We are again very grateful to our ongoing sponsors PLOS and BioMed Central and welcome our new sponsors柳叶刀全球健康,,,,这Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (RSTMH) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). This sponsorship helps cover the extra cost of putting the event online and allows us to greatly broaden the audience. We look forward to welcoming you all to participate in a day of debate and analysis on the challenges and dilemmas around evidence in humanitarian aid.

MSF科学日2014 will be streamed online live on May 230900 - 1715 BST。注册您的在这里感兴趣MSF_dual_English_CMYK

MSF Scientific Day由Biomed Central和PLOS共同赞助,该帖子也可以在PLOS博客上获得。

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