一个勇敢的新世界 - “研究”而不是“研究”患者

James Lind
詹姆斯·林德(James Lind)(1716-1794)

‘在1747年5月20日,我在病人中带走了十二名患者,索尔兹伯里在海上。他们的案件和我所能拥有的一样。’James Lind

This is a description of one of the first ever clinical trials, investigating the impact of citrus fruit on scurvy. According to Lind, scurvy caused more deaths in the British fleets than French and Spanish arms combined, and it was this that prompted him to pioneerone of the first clinical trialsin the history of medicine.

距离詹姆斯·林德(James Lind)的开创性工作的一天已经267年了,进行临床试验的方式发生了巨大变化。Medical research has seen huge advancements,包括新颖的研究设计,更好的盲目和随机方法,更复杂的统计方法以及更好的结果定义。

然而,尽管临床试验w背后的意图as, and remains, to help inform the treatment of patients, for many years their role was viewed solely as a passive one – a data point.‘他们的案件和我所拥有的一样相似”Lind said.

很难确定任何一次来标记对患者和公众参与研究的态度的变化。早在1970年代就有一些例子,例如Rose Kushner对根本乳房切除术的影响的证据以及最近的例子,例如1980年代有艾滋病的人群所提供的,如最近的大片所引起达拉斯买家具乐部

自从认可和接受患者和公众参与以来,就其价值有大量证据积累,并且在全球许多医疗保健系统中已实施。在英国,美国国家卫生研究所(NIHR)现在是政府战略的一部分‘Best research for best health’,,,,and is thinking differently about patient and public involvement in research with the“打破边界”评论。我们与NIHR全国参与研究和主席的NIHR国家主任Simon Denegri遇到了涉及,,,,to ask him his views on the role of patient and public involvement in research – past, present and future.

尽管让患者和看护者参与研究取得了巨大进展,但仍然存在许多障碍,尤其是研究文章中经常使用的相当特殊的语言。在2011年,Association of Medical Research Charities检查了如何为患者和公众提供正确的工具理解媒体报道的越来越多的研究。一of the key findings was that all published scientific papers would benefit from having a summary section in plain English. While this is far from the case today, efforts are being made to ensure that试用信息更容易访问,公众可以理解

Besides the overarching ethical mandate for patient involvement,as captured by the ethicist Raanon Gillon in 1994,,,,active participation of patients in research can potentially improve the credibility of the results, due to较高的入学率and retention,,,,as well as increase their直接适用于患者,通过领导研究人员提出有关患者本身认为重要结果的相关问题。但是,这些都是患者参与可以帮助研究人员的各种方式,忽略了对患者本身有益的多种方式。

We spoke with Karl Stengal from Denver, Colorado, who has been a participant of three separate clinical trials for the treatment of his Parkinson’s disease, about his views on patient participation:


为了庆祝2014年国际临床试验日,Biomed Central的医学证据投资组合为5月19日至5月27日提交的所有物品提供25%的折扣。完整的详细信息是here

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