

AllTrialscampaign (explained in a recent面试在我们的在线杂志中生物群落)和本·戈德克雷(Ben Goldacre)的Bad Pharma之类的书籍将注册和报告临床试验的报告引起了人们的关注。提高透明度的推动继续增强动力。关于European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) proposalto proactively publish the information submitted to them as part of the standard marketing-authorisation application process has further brought the issue to the forefront. This data submitted to the EMA would be made available for independent reanalysis, after the EMA have completed their decision making process on the application.

最近,Biomed Central参加了小组讨论会organised by牛桥生物技术圆桌会议(OBR)从学术界和行业中吸引的小组成员讨论了临床试验结果的注册和报告,以及访问个别参与者级别数据的复杂问题。该面板由安德鲁·杰克(Andrew Jack)主持,制药通讯员金融时报

讨论提出了一个问题,即目前的临床试验报告水平有多么严重的问题。大卫·托维(David Tovey),副首席执行官兼总编辑the Cochrane Library,感觉到一个大问题,它直接影响患者护理。他解释说,由于我们根据证据量化特定治疗的福利和危害,因此无法完全访问数据偏向临床决策。当没有充分披露或未完全报告数据时,系统评价被视为医疗干预措施的最高证据。Bina Rawal,医学,创新和研究主管Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry,认为情况正在改善,并且已经学到了教训;不过,托维(Tovey)警告说,我们不应该只是前瞻性地看 - 今天要拜访医生的患者将被开处方,这些药物今天可用,而不是将来可能可用的药物。Roche Products Ltd集团临床总监Mahdi Farhan补充说,制药行业中有机会与临床医生,研究人员和其他行业成员共享数据。

询问小组成员是否应将学者和非营利组织保持在与行业相同的披露水平,并且所有人都同意。黛博拉·阿什比(Deborah Ashby),医学统计和临床试验教授,联合导演Imperial Clinical Trials Unit解释说,该问题不仅限于临床试验或行业。对她来说,原则很明确:“all trials, all data should be out there. We owe that to patients who took part; we owe that to future patients”,,,,but she added that“the devil is in the detail”解释说,有关历史试验,基础架构和与患者数据的机密性


It is clear that the issue of registration and reporting of clinical trials will continue to be important. We all play a role in increasing transparency in clinical trials, and must work together to ensure that clinical decisions are made onallof the data. BioMed Central will continue to support efforts to increase transparency, for example through our政策to require registration of all clinical trials, theISRCTN注册服务和出版negative results and unfinished studies

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