Multiple sclerosis-new Minireview in BMC Medicine

If you’re like me, you probably know at least one person affected by multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune demyelinating disease of the central nervous system that strikes during young adulthood. Like many other neurological diseases, the deterioration that results from multiple sclerosis is tragic, and the development of more effective treatment is a very active area of research.

How effective are the current treatments? What is understood about how these treatments work to modify advancement of multiplesclerosis pathology? What are the current treatments in drug trials, and what is needed in the future to achieve truly effective treatment for different subsets of patients? These are the main issues that Spain, Cameron andBourdettefrom the Oregon Health and Science University address in their minireview“Recent Developments in Multiple Sclerosis Therapeutics”published this week in BMC Medicine.

Why not visit the BMC Medicinehomepageto find out more about this, and other developments in general medical and clinical research?

Robin Cassady-Cain,

In House Editor,BMC Medicine

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