Harold Weiss,Anthony Ernst和Lisa Patton

Harold(Hank)Weiss是JBS International的技术专家(TEL)和麦迪逊大学威斯康星大学的兼职研究教授。他担任药物使用障碍流行病学,预防,治疗和恢复的高级内容专家TELS和项目领导力。他在州政府和学术界都具有伤害流行病学的背景和国家领导。他还是一位热心的泡菜球员。

Anthony (AJ) Ernst has more than 30 years of clinical and administrative experience in primary and behavioral health settings, ranging from psychiatric emergency services and substance use disorder services, to overseeing national training and technical assistance for SAMHSA’s Co-occurring Center for Excellence and serving as the Project Director for SAMHSA’s Native American Center for Excellence. Dr. Ernst currently works as a Senior Technical Expert at JBS International, Inc., serving in HRSA’s Rural Communities Opioid Response Program and the Children Bureau’s Center for Native Child and Family Resilience Project.

JBS副总裁兼RCORP-TA项目总监Lisa Patton拥有20多年的行为健康,技术援助和混合方法评估经验。Patton博士是一名具有创伤专业的临床心理学家,他指导了项目,进行了行为卫生服务研究和评估,并提供了有关各种行为健康主题的技术帮助以及培训,包括通过CMS Innovations Accelerations Accelerator Program计划在阿片类药物数据上进行教练(IAP)并协助国家开发阿片类药物仪表板。作为卫生与公共服务部的一部分,Patton博士指导了行为健康统计和质量中心评估,分析和质量(DEAQ)的工作。

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