塑造网络 - 真菌如何建立和保持动态的菌丝菌落

Why do some people study, and in fact enjoy studying, what most other people don’t even want to look at – the ever-spreading, never-promising patches of mould found in our homes or in our food? What it is that makes a fungal colony so fascinating unfolds itself once you recognize it as an organism – an entity that excels at adapting to an ever-changing environment.

一罐果酱中的真菌殖民地 - 这有什么有趣的?

Knowing one’s self – self-signaling and self-fusion


来自英国和德国的科学家建议1,,,,2,,,,3真菌的细菌Neurospora Crassa通过信号分子感知他人的存在。接收信号会触发发芽中的内部信号传导级联反应,导致特定的蛋白质定位于初始信号接收部位 - 发芽开始延伸到另一个。在此过程中,它发出相同的信号。



自识别和融合也有效更复杂的网络((Figure 2a). However, this has not been observed in all fungi. Yet, considering the orderly, sometimes almost symmetrical growth of the network of hyphae called the mycelium, it seems self-evident that the different branches keep the lines of communication open at all times.

集体个人 - 异质性允许发展

尽管有时似乎是真菌菌落的统一性,但不同的区域可能具有不同的发展结构。例如,一个殖民地Aspergillus nidulans倾向于在其中心开始性发展,在子外围产生无性孢子,并只是在外围扩展。

How is this possible? Studies in a fungus producing black spores,尼日尔曲霉,,,,show that heterogeneity of a colony is established and maintained by cellular barriers. Although the mycelial network is one organism, it’s not one cell – but many.



Working together – the fungal colony as a dynamic and adaptive network

Scientists from the UK have taken this network research to yet另一个层面。他们将真菌生长的实验数据馈送到计算机模型中,以阐明信号和营养物质的动态通量。这使他们能够可视化菌落对环境变化或捕食者攻击的反应。

在他们的一项研究中,他们允许一种真菌称为Phanerochaete velutina要在将Springtails(真菌自然掠食者)添加到殖民地之前生长几周。虽然跳尾the子穿过菌丝体(图2C),但真菌通过将营养物质重新分配给受伤的零件并重建失去的连接和分支,对攻击做出了反应。为此,殖民地甚至牺牲了未使用的菌丝来加强重要的路线。有趣的是,殖民地还为将来的攻击变得更加韧性。

像这样的研究说明,一种真菌的殖民地is not just growing and getting older waiting to be eaten. It perceives and processes nutritional changes or mycelial injuries and responds to that by adaptation. To do this, it has to work as an entity. The scientists from the UK argue that the fungal colony is a network organism we have yet to fully acknowledge as such!

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