The cerebellum: a new horizon for brain studies of the Genius of Albert Einstein

是什么使天才?像阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)这样的天才大脑如何想到天才的想法?在此博客中,拉里·范德弗特(Larry Vandervert)探讨了这一过程,并解释了小脑的重要部分及其与大脑皮层的强大联系,从而发挥了创造力,直觉和更高的思想。


2017年5月的《国家地理》(National Geographic)刊登了有关天才主题的系列文章。该问题包含许多与天才有关的有趣的大脑发现,包括阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的发现。但是,它在有关该主题的神经科学研究中遗漏了一个重要的新方向。





It is now recognized by a growing number of neuroscientists that, in conjunction with the cerebral cortex, the smaller cerebellum is necessary to the computation of higher levels of thought.


To help understand the powerful relationship between the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex it is first important to note that the human cerebellum has increased three- to four-fold in size in just the last million years. Further, this rather rapid and dramatic increase in the size of the cerebellum has included:

  1. The emergence of large cognitive areas in the cerebellum that are dedicated to the constant improvement of language-driven thought, and
  2. 小脑以及大脑皮层额叶和顶叶高级思想和规划区域之间的大量双向神经轨迹(大脑每一侧的2000万)扩展。后一种发展意味着,通过更高效,更简化的建模,小脑中690亿个成功预测性的神经元电路会不断改善任何重复思考的事物。

It is important to note here that the contributions of the cerebellum occur below the level of conscious awareness. These increased efficiencies of thought are then sent back to the cerebral cortex to unconsciously influence advanced thought (often popping up in the form of what we experience as intuition) and/or implementation in advanced problem solving.

How the cerebro-cerebellar system produces advances in thought


The evolutionary adaptive advantage of this cerebellar encoding is that it progressively selects thought patterns that are faster, more consistent, and more appropriate to the problem at hand. As these patterns are learned in the cerebellum, they may be blended and become more unconscious and automatic, often suddenly entering consciousness in the cerebral cortex as intuition.

In my 2015文章出现在日记中Cerebellum & Ataxias,我描述了在阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)的情况下,这个过程可能如何起作用。就爱因斯坦而言,他告诉我们,他在16岁时想象了以下矛盾的问题:



Einstein’s cerebral cortex (in conjunction with what his cerebellum has also learned over the years) had imagined a possible blending of the speed of light itself with everyday experience. Then, in the ensuing years of Einstein’s pondering of this question, his cerebellum worked to make this idea of a new blend of observations and ideas more appropriate and more predictive toward solving the problem of what a beam of light at rest would actually look like.

Einstein said he solved this problem through intuition and came up with his special theory of relativity. To see how his intuition solved it, please see the explanation near the end of my2015年文章.

Why do some people become geniuses?

The foregoing explanation of the early emergence of thought in the infant leads directly to an explanation of why some people become geniuses. Some individuals naturally have accelerated cerebellar functions toward improvement of cognitive processes. Due to learning conditions, mentor support and hard work (and a degree of luck) some of these individuals become well-known geniuses (like Einstein).

Another class of such individuals due to intrinsic motivation, their unique learning conditions and so forth, may become child prodigies. Further, asVandervert(2007)争辩说,通过高度积极进取的实践,其他人可能会通过长期,敬业的努力和导师的支持大大加快其小脑功能的生产。

Placing the newer research within the context of National Geographic’s article on genius

我直接将这些新的理解直接置于Claudia Kalb 2017年5月的“ Genius”中出现在《国家地理》中的示例中。有关详细信息,请给我发送电子邮件至。

另外,请了解为什么科学实际上是播放的延伸:meets-neuroscience-cerebellum-and-rise-culture-through-play>” as published in Volume 9, Issue 2, of The Strong’s American Journal of Play.



Stephen Gibert

It is one of the conclusions of special relativity that a beam of light cannot be at rest in any inertial frame, so your notion that Einstein’s cerebellum, or any other part of his brain, figured out how to “solve this problem” of what it would look like is too vague to make any sense, if it isn’t just wrong.

Stehen Gibert

Actually, pardon me, it is the basic assumption of SR that differs from pre-relativity mechanics that light always goes at the speed of light, Einstein’s cerebellum would have had to reconcile this seemingly contradictory notion with his intuition which, initially, was wrong, like everyone else’s. If you want to understand genius I think you should leave such complex problems as the creation of physical theories, which are far removed from the workings of a single brain, and understand things like how to get toothpaste back in a tube, for example, which if anyone can figure out I would like to know.

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