Science: A journey in search of a destination

Polished presentations of scientific findings at conferences, or in the literature, promulgate the myth that research is a journey directed with a clear map to its destination. It is time to acknowledge the secret truth of this heroic pursuit.


Science is hard. If you’ve spent a stint in a biomedical research laboratory you’ll almost certainly have learned this lesson the hard way. Perhaps you felt it first when you set up an experiment for thenth时间认为您对协议进行的调整将解决问题。您已经仔细阅读了文献,重新制作的试剂,试图在您的思维中进行严格的态度,与同事讨论,并计划了您的控件。

但是挥之不去的怀疑仍然是因为这正是您上次告诉自己的。也许实验失败或结果没有意义,因为它是基于错误的假设,或者是因为您使用错误的系统来测试您的想法?或者,也许该实验没有出于一些愚蠢的原因而起作用 - 也许是水或彩色eppendorf管上的盖子?也许在深夜的灵感中,一切都会变得清晰?也许这次会很幸运?


Watson and Crick had plenty of false starts along the way

The lesson becomes clear. Rigor, clear thinking, and wielding a pipette with precision aren’t enough. Doing science requires tenacity. Watson and Crick had plenty of false starts along the way. To succeed, you must really want to know the answer to your question. And, like a rock-climber, you need to get satisfaction from finding a good new foothold. Not just when surveying the view from the top.

It’s a common experience. But it isn’t the impression you are likely to get as a student sitting through a research talk. When a charismatic key note speaker takes to the podium at an international meeting, the story she or he is telling is likely to be one they have told dozens of times before: one they have woven out the fabric of the successive failures and successes of a team of hardworking students and post-docs over many, many years; some of whom, through bad luck or lack of persistence, have fallen by the wayside; some of whom have made it; almost all of whom have now left the lab.


No one bothers to screen the “making of”

In fact, it’s very for a rare journal to agree to publish a novel hypothesis without, at the same time, publishing the data that put it to the test – even though, as a consequence, one can’t tell if a model predicts or explains the data. And data presented without a framing hypothesis is called ‘descriptive’ – a designation that can be used to kill the chances of its being published.

It makes some sense to present things in this way, but it’s a strange way to describe what we do. By making the communication of new facts, ideas and impact the focus of what we present to the world, we conceal the day to day realities of the process by which we uncover new things about the world in which we live.


It is nature, not publication, that scientists grapple with

It’s the struggle along the way that truly is the scientific method. It is the failed experiments, ambiguous data, tears and fallen ideas, not the statistical tests, upon which our understanding of the world rests. This is why no-one can dismiss what scientists do as biased, fake or elitist. Almost anyone can do it; but it’s hard.

也许是时候庆祝这个科学家secret truth at meetings, when training the next generation of scientists, and in our discourse with the public. It is the Odyssey, not the conquest, that makes science a heroic pursuit.

And by recognising this, perhaps we can lessen the unrealistic pressure put on young researchers to quickly come up with and publish startling new hypotheses and the data to support it; freeing the determined and insatiably curious to enjoy the long, hard and meandering path through nature’s beautiful landscape in search of the way things actually work.



大卫·科尔奎恩(David Colquhoun)

彼得·梅达瓦尔(Peter Medawar)很久以前指出,科学的展示方式并没有反映实际过程。如果结果可靠,那将不太重要。Medawar不知道的是可重复性的危机。我想自从他的时代以来,科学是否变得越来越少。

Irreproducibility was discussed this morning on the Today prodramme. It is public knowledge and it’s doing great harm to the reputation of science. I suspect that part of the reason is misunderstanding of statistics -the tyranny of P = 0.05 has done huge harm. It’s very rare to meet a working scientist who understands what a P value tells you -the most common answer is that it’s the probablity that your results occurred by chance. It isn’t.

另一个原因是每10分钟发布一次疯狂的压力。这在很大程度上是高级科学家和对我们裁定的政客的错。人们应该因发表更少,更完整,更谨慎的论文而获得奖励。我建议人们不再发布一年或两篇论文。并且应限制实验室的规模以确保适当的监督。One of the more satisfying experiences of my life was seeing a candidate for Fellowship of the Royal Society rejected on the grounds that they had published so many papers that they’d barely have been able to read all the things that came out with their name on it.

It worries me that I now feel obliged to apologise to young scientists for the regime that my generation has imposed on them.

Peter Apps


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