Drugs, Tayto CRISP[R]s and other parasite craic in Belfast

This year, the British Society for Parasitology Autumn Symposium was hosted by Queens University Belfast (QUB) in Northern Ireland, a country home to Tayto Castle and an array of parasitological research.

首先,感谢保罗·麦克维(Paul McVeigh)博士汇集来自欧洲和北美各地的一组刺激的演讲者,参加英国寄生虫学会Autumn Symposium on ‘蠕虫寄生虫学后基因组进展’。

该会议在Riddel Hall举行,Riddel Hall是一栋列出的红砖大楼,成立于1913年,是皇后大学的妇女居住堂。这是由hard work of Irish feminists which lead to courses and degrees in all Irish universities being made open to women in 1908

The symposium was composed of 9 speakers giving thirty minute seminars to the ~80 attendees, and hopefully this blog will give those unfortunate enough not to be one of them a chance to catch up on the proceedings.


奶油茶早餐后,会议由Dr. Angela Mousley(Qub)谈到了她的工作的研究性质,以研究神经肽对线虫发展的影响,并使用此作用来建立新的药物靶标,以治疗阿斯卡里斯(round虫)感染。

当天晚些时候Professor Aaron Maule(QUB) also presented peptide based research, this time withfasciola。He showed how the coordination of fluke proliferative cells drives parasite growth and may offer avenues for future combination therapies using anthelmintic drugs and stem cell regulators.

Dr. Collette Britton(University of Glasgow) presented Glasgow’s research on utilising big genome data on small RNAs, with particular emphasis on the information obtained on线虫的microRNA(including parasiticHaemonchus contortus,Brugia pahangi,和自由生命的线虫Caenorhabditis elegans)。所讨论的microRNA参与了这些线虫的关键L3至L4幼虫发育途径,因此提出了新的发育阶段,可以将抑制剂设计为可用于寄生虫控制的新疗法。

Searching for drug resistance in the modern age

Professor John Gilleard, making the long trip from the University of Calgary, Canada (sponsored byIrish Society for Parasitology), sharedhis lab’swork on tracking back the origins of Benzimidazole drug resistance in the ‘poster child for anthelmintic resistance’,Haemonchus contortus(反刍动物的严重致病线虫)。他们通过使用从加拿大,美国,印度,英国和巴基斯坦收集的蠕虫中的基因组和转录策略来遵循阻力突变频率来做到这一点。约翰警告说,驱虫药抵抗是选择压力的一般结果,并强调了这如何取决于该地区和耕作方式(阅读相关出版物这里)。

Moving from nematodes to trematodes, the resistance theme continued withProfessor Jane Hodgkinson(利物浦大学)提出发展结果,以统计学上区分三苯甲唑和不暴露fasciola hepatica使用基因组SNP数据,代谢物分析和出色的实验设计,英国农场的人群。


After delegates had executed typical refreshment seeking behaviour during a short coffee break including more scones, jam and cream (in that orderone should add),Elissa Hallem教授(加州大学洛杉矶分校)分享了她的团体工作host seeking behaviour of skin penetrating nematodes,即稳固性刺。Chemotaxis and thermotaxis ofS. stercoralis使用热和化学梯度以经典的方式研究,但最近使用CRISPR-CAS9技术进行了研究。这有助于建立许多涉及的因素,包括在蠕虫头上寻求热门神经元的热量。从进化的角度来看,这些多感官机制对于这些蠕虫的持续成功似乎至关重要。

Further CRISP-Cas9 success was presented byProfessor Paul Brindley(George Washington University) who’s labuse this technique to target omega-1 of曼氏菌, a secreted ribonuclease crucial in egg颗粒瘤形成,在肠道细菌病中看到的一些更严重的发病率的原因。

Poster prize winners: L-R Duncan Wells, Jennifer Noonan, Nicolas Feldman, Dr Paul Airs, Dr Paul McCusker and Dr Oliver Weth. (Photo Couretsy of Paul McVeigh)

Elsevier Poster prizes


Friend-zone: relationship statuses of parasites

在最后一次会议中,我们实际上被运送到Professor Mark Blaxter(Wellcome Sanger Institute), who following flight cancellations gave a virtual presentation (with thankfully, very few technical glitches!).马克最近加入了激动人心的“达尔文生命之树”项目。Among the 60,000 eukaryotic species from the UK that will have its genetic code mapped, roughly 30% will be parasites! Data was presented concerning the 2-for-1 issue of sequencing filarial nematodes, in that the symbiotic bacteria Wolbachia also sequenced with the worm needs to be quickly (due to scale of this project!) and accurately removed from parasite genomes. Good luck Market al…!

一天结束,克里斯托夫·格里丁教授(Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen) gave delegates a peek through the ‘omics keyhole regarding the complicated love story of schistosomes (flatworms with male and female organisms, known as dioecy), which has drivenlong-term research goals in Christoph’s lab。这种复杂性与发育过程中发生的大型性二态性有关。男性如果“单身”或“配对”是相同的,而女性则发生了巨大变化。这需要下一代工具来洞悉神经肽和GPCR,以决定这些关系状态的变化。

下一次BSP会议将于2020年春季在爱丁堡举行。Thanks again to delegates attending the Autumn Symposium in Belfast, and to the sponsors for their support.

