错误档案 - 讨厌的假期浪漫

快到夏天了,那时我们很多人都在北半球前往我们的假期寻找阳光和乐趣。当您为假期打包时,请确保自己还为遇到一些当地昆虫的准备准备,因为流行目的地的许多虫子都带有危险的疾病或寄生虫。Because knowledge is power, we’ve rounded up some of the key critters with a nasty bite in our Bug Files. From the North American tick that可能会给你肉过敏,对于传播疟疾的广泛的蚊子,它们为您提供了您不想在度假时见面的野生动植物的简介。阅读更多...



Because knowledge is power, we’ve rounded up some of the key critters with a nasty bite in our Bug Files. From the North American tick that可能会给你肉过敏,对于传播疟疾的广泛的蚊子,它们为您提供了您不想在度假时见面的野生动植物的简介。

But how to protect yourself? There’s lots of specific advice that’s worth being aware of. Like don’t wear blue in sub-Saharan Africa, because it’s particularly attractive to the tsetse fly that spreads sleeping sickness in this area. Or always apply your insect repellentyour sunscreen, to make it as effective as possible.

You may also have heard that using insect repellents containing DEET are unsafe. A review inParasites and Vectors刚刚证明,驱虫剂DEET危险的证据受到限制。作者说,总的来说,穿着不足的驱虫剂可能会使您面临比DEET使用更大的健康风险。詹姆斯·洛根(James Logan)写了blog对于纸张上的中央中心,他们的运动以确保旅行者免受昆虫的叮咬。


NHS苏格兰网站适合旅行information specific to each destination关于该国的风险,并链接到建议。这CDC旅行网站hasadvice on avoiding insect bites以及每个国家的健康旅行包装清单。它还为您是否与幼儿一起旅行,怀孕或管理慢性病。

Your GP or pharmacist can be a great place to get advice about what precautions you should be taking too, and travel or outdoor activity shops tend to have good advice too.

伦敦卫生和热带医学学院正在启动错误– an驱虫意识日,让人们知道危险,更重要的是,他们可以采取什么措施来保护自己。

Anna Pener是Biomed Central的媒体官员。该错误文件也将在我们的Facebook页面。Copy for the Bug files was written by Alanna Orpen, and the design was by James Balm.

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I’m not sure the picture of the sandfly is right. It looks like an Austrosimulium blackfly, rather than one of the phlebotomine sandflies that transmits leishmaniasis.


Hana Katharine




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