Monthly Archives:February 2014

Matters of the heart (worm)

Heartworm cartoon

For anyone who has managed to bypass the constant bombardment of love heart- themed everything- today is Valentine’s Day. On this day, scorned by singletons, we consider one of the true agents of heart ache- Dirofilaria immitis aka the heartworm. Caused by this parasitic, filarial nematode, dirofilariasis is a vector-borne zoonose affecting the cardiovascular and…Read more »


World Health Day 2014: Small creatures, big threat


World Health Day occurs annually on the 7th April to mark the founding of the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1948. The WHO aims to utilise World Health Day to draw attention to a specific subject related to global human health. Previous years have focussed on a diverse range of topics of global health concern…Read more »
