BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology attends the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists PharmSci 360 Meeting 2022

This autumn,BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology飞往马萨诸塞州波士顿参加AAPS PharmSci 360 2022会议。2022年的会议拥有超过4,100多名与会者,550次会议和仅900张海报演讲,成为工业,学术界和政府在交流思想,促进网络并跟上最新创新研究的相交。

In this blog, Anastasia Widyadari, the Editor ofBMC Pharmacology and Toxicology,,,,will be sharing her experience and highlights of the meeting, along with valuable insights from Professor Patrick Ronaldson, Editorial Board Member forBMC Pharmacology and Toxicology.

Editor Highlights:

I was delighted to have been given the opportunity to attend theAAPS PharmSci 360今年。这次会议以将大型科学会议的活力与集中,亲密的专题讨论会相结合而闻名,这为会议提供了一个很好的机会BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology建立在现有协作的基础上,并创建新的合作。波士顿是1000多家生物技术公司的所在地,并引起了医疗保健和制药行业的创新发展,是会议的合适地点。

会议successfully covered all aspects of the pharmaceutical field, from discovery and basic research, to preclinical development. My personal favorite was the symposium session on “Microbiome: Impact in Pharmaceutical Development and Disease”. Among the talks,劳拉·考克斯教授从哈佛医学院发表了关于基于微生物组的治疗神经系统疾病的一种非常引人入胜的演讲。在同一专题讨论会上,由乔丹·比桑(Jordan Bisanz)教授宾夕法尼亚州立大学的探索核苷酸水平的药物与微生物之间的相互作用。在热门话题会议期间,完整的讲话Dr Sean Ekins来自合作制药公司的合作公司AI的潜在黑暗面向药物发现warned us of the dual use of AI, and was a talk to remember indeed.

Editorial Board Member Highlights:

我很高兴听听我们的一位编辑董事会成员发表的令人着迷的演讲Professor Patrick Ronaldson,来自亚利桑那大学医学院,这与我的血脑屏障(BBB)运输研究背景有关。



您的AAPS PharmSci 360会议亮点是什么?有什么会引起您兴趣的谈话吗?


“Of particular note, sessions that I really enjoyed included “Advancements in Translational PK/PD Approaches Toward Novel Biological Modalities” and the symposium on “Rapid Discovery of Therapeutics: Past Experience and Computational Approaches.” Additionally, the hot topic session on “The Potential Dark Side of AI for Drug Discovery” was eye-opening and presented some of the negative aspects of readily available in silico technologies for drug discovery. “

What are your insights on how we can driveBMC药理学和毒理学未来的增长?

“I think that the journal should put forward some theme issues centered around megatrends in the pharmaceutical sciences. Application of big data to drug discovery is one idea. Another is novel strategies for selective drug delivery. For such theme issues, it is key to have some recognizable authors submit their work. This would help to attract more papers that discuss cutting science to the journal.”

Emerging fields and hot topics to look out for in Pharmacology and Toxicology?

“大数据 - 不仅仅是对这些数据集的获取(RNASEQ和OMICS数据),还可以正确利用它(也应该)用于药物发现和治疗性开发。药物输送 - 蛋白质,抗体和核酸的选择性靶向策略以及小分子。健康差异 - 药理学/毒理学及其对精度医疗治疗的影响如何解决种族和性别差异”

我想对Patrick Ronaldson教授在PharmSci 360会面,感谢您对我的会面,希望您与我一样享受我们的讨论。BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology期待参加AAP的更多会议。感谢您,并祝贺所有组织者在PharmSci 360中获得成功的一年!

In 2023,BMC Pharmacology and Toxicologyaims to develop its potential further. Interested in joining the Editorial board? Or have expertise related to any of the topics mentioned above?Join us,,,,or reach out toAnastasia widyadari

