
Cognitive and sensory (hearing and vision) impairments are common in older adults and often co-occur, but clinical assessments of either one in the presence of the other tend to be inadequate or inappropriate to the individual's condition. Anew studyinBMC老年人探讨患有痴呆症和感觉障碍的人的观点以及他们的护理伙伴,在接受准确的听力,视力和认知评估方面面临的挑战。

随着年龄的增长,听力和视力障碍越来越普遍。在70岁之后,超过三分之二的人有很大的听力和/或视力问题。痴呆症也与年龄密切相关;超过90年的人中有三分之一患有痴呆症。不幸的是,在痴呆症患者中,听力和视力障碍尚未得到识别,并且无法治疗。当感觉障碍与认知困难同时发生时,对个体的影响会放大:依赖性可能会增加,认知能力下降可能更快,沟通问题更大。这个increases the risk of social isolation以及发展ir妄(混乱状态)和具有挑战性的行为(例如躁动,侵略)。最终,痴呆症患者的生活质量下降,护理费用增加。尽管如此,还是将听力和视力障碍作为一种经济有效的方式解决的机会improve outcomes对于老年人来说很重要。改善感官障碍以改善心理健康是我们欧洲委员会资助的Horizo​​n 2020计划的关键目标。SENSE-Cog’.

What we did

Our journey with SENSE-Cog started in 2016 in the response to the call for proposals under the banner of ‘Mental Wellbeing for Older People.’ Based on this, we gathered 27 investigators from across Europe, representing a range of disciplines, including hearing, vision, and cognitive health, and the fields of epidemiology, health economics, biostatistics, and clinical trial design. Together,我们决定检查链接among hearing, vision, and cognitive health, with a view to clinical applications. Inour new studyinBMC老年人, we consulted with people living with dementia (n=18) and their care partners (n=15) in the UK, Cyprus, and France to determine the best approach to improving the lives of people with dementia with co-occurring hearing and vision problems. Several key themes emerged, including: (1) the need to improve our methods of assessment of cognition in people with hearing and vision problems and (2) the possibility of improving quality of life in dementia by improving hearing and vision health.

The lack of valid and reliable assessment tools … was a significant unmet need.

Challenges identified

Our qualitative data revealed three areas of difficulty for persons with dementia (PwD) and their care partners, illustrated here with quotations.

First, hearing, vision, and cognitive assessments were not appropriately addressed to the complex needs of PwD and sensory comorbidity:

I know what she got it wrong [in the assessment], I knew the ones she can’t do […], you’ve got to draw a diagram, which will be inside a box, and […] I know she can’t do it, she can’t. But I mean that’s it, I got nothing, I got nothing else. Just a score.(Care partner)

Second, PwD commonly experienced challenges in communication and conveying unmet needs and concerns to care partners and professionals, across domains:




Care partner:[…] yes more explanatory, this might have happened because there are different doctors and they are very busy…

研究员:neither for how to take care…

Care partner:他们必须通知我们更多。

From our consultations, it was clear that the lack of valid and reliable assessment tools for assessing cognition in people with sensory impairments and for assessing hearing and vision in people with cognitive impairments was a significant unmet need.


Responding to unmet needs

We then attempted to address these outstanding needs by (i) developing and validating new cognitive assessments specifically adapted for people with hearing or vision impairment and (ii) developing and evaluating a home-based ‘sensory support intervention’ to improve quality of life and other outcomes for people with dementia.





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