
与其他物种类似,蜘蛛表现出可以描述为人格特征的个体行为。在this articlepublished inBMC基因组学,,,,the authors elucidate the influence of genes on this phenomenon.

Pet owners will recognize that their animals exhibit substantial individual differences in behavior. For example, some dogs are curious and independent when they visit a new place, while others are timid and watch their owners’ reactions. Researchers studying animal behavior now understand that such differences among individuals of the same species, sometimes called ‘animal personalities’, are common and shape how individuals interact with their environment.


Over the past decade, these personality traits have been investigated in a variety of ecological and social contexts in spiders of the genusAnelosimus。尽管以前的多代研究提供了证据,表明某些人格特征可能会从父母转移到后代,但我们缺乏对这些复杂行为特征的遗传基础的理解。甚至除蜘蛛之外,对行为特征的遗传学的研究落后于研究物理特征的人,例如着色。有几个原因。首先,测量行为具有挑战性,因为必须对生物体进行。其次,研究人员期望行为会受到每个人的基因和以前的经验的影响,因此,遗传变异和行为特征之间不太可能存在完美的关联。最后,鉴于许多行为特征的复杂性,我们希望它们会受到多个基因的影响,并且我们检测到这种模式的能力是有限的。

Spiders exhibit behaviors that are consistent in each individual over time.

Nevertheless, identifying genetic markers associated with a trait of interest is important because it allows us to investigate the origin and underlying causes of a behavior. Genetic markers also become a valuable tool for future studies. A新研究BMC基因组学seeks to bridge this knowledge gap by identifying genetic markers associated with personality traits in the spiderAnelosimus Studiosus。

今天,基因组学的进步促进基因的屁股ociation studies in organisms that have not been the focus of previous genetic research. To use these emerging tools, Jonathan Pruitt and I sampled spiders along rivers and lakes in eastern Tennessee. We used standard behavioral assays, called ‘startle tests’, to determine the recovery time of each individual after a disturbance (in this instance, puffs of air applied to the spider’s body). Individuals that moved very quickly after this treatment were considered to be bold, while those that played dead for several minutes were considered to be shy. Since this species dwells either in multi-female social groups or in solitary nests in this environment, we also noted the social structure of each source colony.

Anelosimus group普鲁伊特(Pruitt)和他的同事此前表明,社会团体既由大胆和害羞的人组成,因此这两个变量(社会和大胆)被单独考虑。在得分这些行为性状之后,我们使用了双消化限制位点相关的DNA测序(或DDRADSEQ)来序列,约为200多个蜘蛛中每个基因组的0.1%。同时,我们对一个个体的整个基因组进行了测序并组装。尽管由于蜘蛛基因组的具有挑战性的特征(包括大尺寸和重复的DNA序列含量),基因组组装仍然高度分散,但该基因组帮助我们确定了DDRADSEQ标记的相对位置。


Genetic markers link to each other to shape the individual ‘personality’ of each animal.



Overall, this study takes an exciting first step toward merging contemporary animal behavior and genetics research in this widespread and fascinating species. More broadly, this discovery helps open the door to understanding animal personality in a broader group of organisms, since the phenomenon is so pervasive in animals.

