


To mark the launch of the new Anesthesia and Perioperative Care for Solid Organ Transplantation section inBMC麻醉学, the section editors have written an editorial describing the history and role of anesthesiology in organ transplantation. They discuss the many advancements in anesthesia that have contributed to successful organ transplantation, as well as the current challenges that exist when performing transplantations of specific organs. As the Section Editors Drs. Saner and Bezinover note, the field of transplant anesthesia is underrepresented in major anesthesia conferences and journals. With this new section, they hope to attract high-quality studies that continue to shed light on this important area of anesthesia research.


Adhesions, scar tissue that can lead to organs or tissues sticking to each other, are common occurrences after surgery, especially abdominal surgery. While they often do not cause injury to patients, they can sometimes cause pain or lead to further complications. As common as adhesions are, developing effective preventative measures has remained a challenge. In this review, Capella-Monsonís等。提供参与粘附形成的分子途径以及用于限制它们的方法的最新进展。预防粘连的方法包括手术程序,机械屏障,抗粘附剂和物理疗法。尽管已经开发了许多产品和程序,但仍需要进一步的研究来设计新疗法并提高现有疗法的功效和安全性。

BMC化学工程:Energy and Co2management for chemical and related industries: issues, opportunities and challenges

Overabundance of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is a key driver of climate change and there is an urgent need to reduce current levels of emissions. This review byVooradi et al.,发表在我们的最新期刊之一中BMC化学工程, explores the opportunities and challenges facing chemical and related industries in managing CO2emissions and energy consumption. These industries are highly energy-intensive and currently consume most of their energy from non-renewable sources — namely fossil fuels — whose industries also contribute to CO2排放。作者写道,主要挑战之一是从化石燃料转移到可再生能源,同时仍满足全球对化学工业产品的需求。他们建议,在解决这些问题时,行业应考虑实施多个变更的策略,以提高过程效率,包括采用碳捕获和存储技术。在下个世纪初,实现巴黎协定的目标是将全球温度升高限制1.5°C的目标,这听起来可能是一项艰巨的任务,但是了解化学工业可以如何做出反应对于帮助实现这一目标至关重要。

BMC Cancer:大蒜化合物共价结合波形蛋白,破坏波形蛋白网络并在癌细胞中发挥抗转移活性

Garlic has long been used for its health benefits and numerous compounds derived from the popular已经研究了其治疗特性。这些化合物之一,一种称为Ajoene的有机硫化合物(来自“ Ajo”,西班牙语),已被证明可以抵抗真菌感染,并可能有助于预防癌症和心血管疾病。在癌细胞中,对多个靶标的融合作用,但几乎没有确定的特定靶标。在这项研究中,Kaschula等。揭示了一种ajoene的靶标之一是蛋白质波形蛋白,一种结构蛋白,在某些癌症中过表达并有助于增加肿瘤的侵袭性。

他们发现overexpressing vimentin in cancer cells boosted migration, but exposure to ajoene completely blocked this effect. The authors suggest that ajoene binds to vimentin at a specific cysteine residue, preventing vimentin from forming functional filaments, thus dampening its pro-migratory activity. Interestingly, they also showed that ajoene increases vimentin expression in cancer cells, indicating that ajoene stops filament formation even as new vimentin is produced.

BMC家庭实践: Dissonant views – GPs’ and parents’ perspectives on antibiotic prescribing for young children with respiratory tract infections

滥用抗生素已经推动了抗生素耐药细菌的出现,这是一个日益增长的公共卫生问题。通常会开处方抗生素来治疗像普通感冒这样的呼吸道感染,但并不总是有效的,尤其是在感染是由病毒引起的。在澳大利亚,英国和其他国家 /地区已经观察到抗生素处方率高,可能是由许多因素引起的。在这项研究中,Biezen及其同事采访了全科医生(GPS)和幼儿父母,以了解他们对开处方抗生素的看法,并分歧。

While some of the GPs expressed a perceived lack of understanding by the parents regarding appropriate antibiotic usage, most of the parents had a good understanding of when antibiotics should be used, and their visit to the doctor was primarily for reassurance that their child would recover. Some GPs felt that explaining why antibiotics would not be appropriate or would take too long, and it would be easier to give the patient a prescription if the parent asks for one. Many parents however, said that they trust their GPs’ advice and would want to have these discussions with their GP during the visits. Ultimately, both groups wanted better communication when it came to managing a child’s illness.

BMC发育生物学: Computational fluid dynamic analysis of physical forces playing a role in brain organoid cultures in two different multiplex platforms


Organoids — miniature, three-dimensional versions of an organ — have recently emerged as a promising tool for studying how different organs function, as well as their disease states. The process of making organoids uses stem cells that have been coaxed to assemble into complex three-dimensional structures, given the right growth environment.在Goto-Silva的这篇方法论文章中等。,研究人员研究了两种产生脑器官的常见方法,并提出了一种优化的方案,以可靠地产生功能性的“微型大脑”。

在两个研究方案中,一个重要的步骤是搅动干细胞的悬浮液,这会影响养分的混合和细胞暴露于细胞的剪切应力水平。但是,这两种方法通过使用轨道振荡器或称为SpinΩ的3D打印旋转装置来执行此操作。通过测试不同的条件并执行计算流体动力学分析,作者确定,使用标准的轨道振动筛具有其建议的改变,既可以访问又有效。他们还发现,经过30天的培养,它们的类器官产生了大脑不同区域的标记,表明干细胞已成熟成大脑中发现的一系列细胞类型。这表明这一点their method could be used for developing models for studying discrete regions of the brain and processes that affect them, and more accurately than was possible before.

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