
Mental health nurses have a significant part to play in improving the mental health and the physical health of those with long-term psychiatric problems. In this blog post, the authors of新的系统评价inBMC护理discuss why this is important and what mental health nurses can do to make a difference.

What’s the problem?

人们越来越意识到面对精神健康危机或存在持续的心理健康问题意味着什么。但是,鲜为人知的是,具有长期心理健康状况的人的身体疾病率是社会中任何群体中最高的人。根据World Health Organizationfigures, the lifespan of a person with severe mental health problems is as much as 20 years shorter than that of someone without. This morbidity can mostly be accounted for by physical health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.



Mental health nurses often have a trusted role, developed from building long-term therapeutic relationships with their patients. They can make significant contributions to reductions in physical ill-health burdens for those with severe mental health problems by addressing several common lifestyle risk factors. However, nurses working in the specialty have traditionally focused only on mental health issues, and may have lacked the knowledge and skills necessary to make an impact on physical health.


我们想知道全球心理健康护士是否准备好提高其身体医疗技能的挑战。我们conducted a systematic search发表研究discussing mental health nurses’ attitudes and knowledge of routine physical healthcare interventions that can contribute significantly to improving the health of people suffering from mental health conditions. We wanted to determine what nurses know about these issues and their attitude towards them. Specifically, we investigated whether nurses saw physical healthcare as a key part of their role. We also aimed to determine if they felt they had the knowledge and skills to provide routine physical healthcare, and to identify which methods of training show the greatest improvement in the provision of physical healthcare. We rated the quality of each study to ensure the strongest research was given the most consideration.


What did we find?



Interestingly, of all the studies we investigated, UK-based nurses were most positive in their attitudes – more so than those in Australia and some Asian countries.This may be considered surprising as mental health nurse training in the UK is considered more specialized than in many other countries, with more time spent focusing on mental health than physical health.


These findings are good news insofar as nurses in this specialist field recognize and value the role they can and should play in improving health outcomes for this marginalized population group. However, there is still work to be done to improve their knowledge, confidence and skills. There is much less research about how we can do this successfully. Going forward, we need to determine the most effective ways of training mental health nurses to deliver physical healthcare. Further, specialist pre-registration in mental health, like that observed in the UK, does not seem to disadvantage nurses in terms of their self-rated physical healthcare skills.

What would be the benefit for patients?

Mental health nurses require more skills in the delivery of interventions to address lifestyle issues. If they felt better prepared to deliver smoking cessation, alcohol-related advice, weight management, and sexual healthcare, then, over time, we confidently predict improvement in the current statistics of poor physical health of people with mental health problems. Ultimately, along with other advances in care, we would expect to see people with long-term mental health problems living progressively longer and healthier lives.

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