

Take a break to avoid a snack



凯西的这项研究et al研究久坐行为的减少是否导致热量摄入的改变。为了进行测试,参与者每天有两个15分钟的休息时间分为一组女性,另一组女性每半小时休息1-2分钟。该研究的结果表明,总体而言,在久坐的工作期间休息时间会随着时间的流逝而减少热量摄入量。研究人员认为,应进一步探索久坐的休息时间,以改善女性健康状况。


减肥和eating-related问题是常见的ly reported symptoms in advanced cancer patients and survivors. Despite its prevalence, there are no effective interventions to assess or improve food related quality of life for these individuals. Most studies related to this topic assess eating-related difficulties during treatment, but fail to address long term impacts of the ability to “eat well.” Additionally, studies that investigate eating-related difficulties usually focus on the functional aspect of eating, whilst the social and emotional aspects tend to be ignored. Aiming to improve of the food-related quality of life of cancer survivors, the authors consider a more holistic approach to “altered eating”.


In order to assess and address the altered eating related difficulties experienced by cancer survivors, Watsonet alworked alongside 25 head and neck cancer survivors and their partners. Over the course of 6 years, their workshops identified seven areas of life that affect or are affected by altered eating. These areas include not only anatomical, functional, and sensory alterations, but also the cognitive and behavioral labor of eating, as well as the alterations in social life and identity. As part of their study, the authors have developed a framework that allows assessment and treatment of altered eating, to improve food-related quality of life in cancer survivors.


In areas experiencing widespread malnutrition, the prevalence of wasting found in the community acts as a benchmark to inform humanitarian aides on the scale and scope of the response needed. The current standards used by the World Health Organisation, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, International Federation of Red Cross, and World Food Programme are based on prevalence of wasting criteria as assessed by the weight-for-height Z scores (WHZ). In addition to WHZ, mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) can be used as an independent measure of wasting. Although MUAC has become the recommended measure by the World Health Organisation and other public health agencies, there are no separate thresholds to classify crises assessed by MUAC.

© dpa (Deutsche Presse-Agentur)

Previous research has demonstrated that there is substantial discrepancy in diagnosis of children as wasted using WHZ and MUAC. As a result, the validity of applying WHZ-based thresholds to MUAC-based estimates of wasting has been called into question. In their study, Bilukha and Leidman investigated the concordance of prevalence of wasting by WHZ and MUAC at the population level. The authors report that there is a poor correlation between population prevalence of wasting as measured by WHZ and MUAC. Furthermore, they assert that surveys based on MUAC measurements will result in poor concordance with WHZ-based crisis thresholds. The data presented in this study suggest that MUAC may not be the best choice to use as a measurement to classify prevalence of wasting at the population level.

