Evidence from health interventions at food store settings and the way forward

Asystematic reviewpublished last month inBMC Public Healthlooks at the effectiveness of food store interventions intended to promote the consumption of healthy foods in the aim to tackle obesity. Here, authorsAbdulfatah AdamJorgen D. Jensendiscuss their findings in more detail and the implications for future research.

新年最常见的决议之一是减肥。尽管如此,尽管我们的意图良好,但年复一年,我们只有很少的人实现了这个崇高的目标。结果,肥胖和超重没有下降。显然,这是一个复杂的主题,许多因素可以归因于为什么减肥不像获得的那样容易。早些时候,它已经强调了肥胖的环境如何与我们的人类/心理缺陷相结合,破坏了我们维持健康体重的计划。在最近的一个systematic reviewpublished inBMC Public Health,we considered one important environmental factor that plays a major role in calories consumed: the food store. We surveyed and then evaluated health interventions aiming to promote healthy food purchase behavior at food stores and among targeted populations. We assessed not only the effectiveness of various strategies, but we also put the methodological quality of the addressed studies to test. Following is a summary of the main findings from our review.

What characterizes effective food store health interventions?


与多种策略相互补充的干预措施将是优选的。此外,我们发现价格激励措施在结果方面得到了最强烈的反应。直接价格折扣,健康食品的代金券以及某些营养食品的补贴也是如此。激励措施不仅适用于消费者,而且对参与食品商店也有效。成功激励食品商店的示例包括美国的妇女,婴儿和儿童(WIC)计划,该计划激励符合条件的商店储存某些促进健康食品,以及南非的国家折扣计划(Vitality Healthitalfood Program)他们是一家保险公司的成员,并在全国800多个超市提供了高达25%的健康食品折扣。由于它们的规模很大,这两个计划都为超级市场以及有针对性的消费者群体创造了激励措施,以展示亲保健行为。应当指出的是,商店也可以通过货币以外的其他激励措施来吸引商店。一些商店可能有兴趣建立自己的声誉,因此可以说服他们作为企业社会责任的一部分促进亲保健食品存货策略。

With obesity on the rise, it's important that grocery stores play a role in reversing the epidemic.
Flickr:Sandra Cohen Rose和Colin Rose

Moreover, engaging consumers and creating an interactive environment for them, in addition to posters and shelf labels, seems to be more helpful than mere labels or nutrition information. Examples of successful consumer engagement include cooking demonstrations/taste tests, and interactive education.

What could be improved in the future?


Although price interventions have the strongest impact on the outcome of healthful food purchase, we note, however, important observations. It is not trivial to implement price incentives on a large scale and for sustained periods. Therefore, it needs more persuasion than other interventions (such as information campaigns) as someone has to bear costs associated with subsidizing healthier foods (or higher prices for less healthier foods). The difficulty is even more pronounced if their implementation is not cost-neutral, as someone has to finance the difference due to changes in the original prices. In certain cases, storeowners may be convinced that, due to economies of scale, they will not incur losses despite price reductions of healthier foods. In most cases sustained price interventions need political solutions, and as such research should be disseminated in a way that motivates political action.

A related observation when conducting this review is the limited number of studies that use the currently influential concept of nudging which is believed to be a low-cost alternative to other intervention approaches. For example, few studies demonstrate the effect of using shelf space management to promote healthy foods in prime in-store locations. It is particularly interesting as some prime locations like the checkout area are currently used for promoting high calorie foods. Therefore, more experiments with nudging and other innovative intervention methods in grocery settings are needed.


最后,我们的结果也强调了挑战s involved with in-store healthy food interventions. We cannot stress enough the importance of stakeholder management and the use of correct incentives for these agents, particularly the food stores whose support is critical for any effort in this direction. It is important to show store managers how their stores can benefit from the proposed intervention, and not just present them with how the intervention benefits research or even the target group. Show them what is in it for them.

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