Female Genital Mutilation: health care professionals, legislation and a movement for change

BMC国际健康与人权今天发表研究investigating the knowledge and attitudes of health professionals on female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C). Rachel Cunningham-Burley tells us more about this global issue, and what is being done to prevent the practice.

What is female genital mutilation?

女性生殖器肢解/切割(FGM/C)涉及出于非医学原因故意改变或损害女性生殖器官的所有程序。据估计,全球有超过1.25亿妇女每年患有女性女还受到女性女还受到女性女还限制/c,每年有300万女孩的风险。该程序通常是对女孩进行的between birth and 15

FGM/C is a deeply rooted cultural practice most common in 29 countries in Africa, the Middle East and some Asian countries, butdue to migrationis found much more widely in Europe, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.

FGM/C confers no health benefits but can result in many complications such as urinary problems, complications at child birth as well as psychological problems. It is a violation of human rights and an extreme marker of gender inequality.

全球卫生保健专业人员在消除女性女性女性C/C方面很重要,需要意识到FGM/C - 不仅仅是支持妇女承受该程序的后果,并处理并发症,而是要处理并发症act to preventFGM/C发生并保护儿童的风险。

Raising awareness of the issue

I am ashamed to admit that throughout my medical training and career, which included working in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, paediatrics and sexual and reproductive health before entering General Practice, FGM/C was never mentioned.



Fortunately it appears that the world has woken up to the issue too; in the UK there has been muchpolitical媒体最近注意这个主题。



General Practitioner’s (GPs) are in a prime position to address FGM/C; they are often the first contact patients have with the health service and are familiar with the communities in which they work. The Royal College of General Practitioners has recommended that the curriculum addresses the issues related to FGM/C, and they have developed an在线学习模块which includes FGM/C.


The college has also produced, in conjunction with the National Society for the Protection of Children (NSPCC) atoolkitfor safeguarding children and young people, which contains reference specifically to FGM/C.

对于解决FGM/C的问题,GP并不是唯一重要的GP;这需要一种多部门方法,这在生产中已得到认可guidelineson the identification, recording and reporting of FGM in the UK, which includes healthcare workers, social services, education and police all working together to address the problem.

准则和教育工具都很有帮助,但必须转化为实践并导致减少受影响的妇女和女孩的数量。存在可能会阻止GPS识别女性女性女性女外生的障碍语言和沟通困难or issues relating to cultural sensitivity.

Tackling the issue around the world

在英国解决女性女性女还级时,卫生专业人员在A中运作supportive legislative environment。有联系prosecution and prevention。In the UK we have seen the first prosecution of a doctor over FGM/C; he was subsequently acquitted earlier this year.

This highlighted the need for improved training for doctors and a call for Health Education England’s FGM e-learning programme to be mandatory for all trainees in Obstetrics and gynaecology. (英格兰健康教育的女性女外汇电子学习计划).

Furtherlegislative supporthas been the introduction of mandatory reporting of FGM by health and social care professionals and teachers, and the introduction of the FGM Protection Orders which came into force in July of this year which can防止潜在的受害者被带到国外进行女性女性外女性/C进行。



However it must be remembered that in some countries, rather than being part of the solution, health professionals are contributing to the perpetuation of the practice by performing the procedure.


This medicalization of FGM/C is thought to be aharm reduction strategy,更安全,导致并发症减少。谁有敦促卫生专业人员to stop this practice. It violates the medical code ofethics并传达了该程序的批准。


Just recently, on the 23rd2015年11月,冈比亚总统宣布,这种做法将在他的国家取缔。同月,澳大利亚看到了first prosecutions for FGM


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