Studying the world’s rarest ape: insights from the field

Get a taste of what it’s like to research the world’s rarest ape from researcher Jessica Bryant. Here, she highlights her experiences and explains more about theirlatest findings publishedinBMC Evolutionary Biology,包括对这种令人难以置信的物种保护的影响。



关于the Hainan gibbon

The Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) is the world’s rarest ape, and probably the rarest mammal, with only one surviving population of just 25 individuals.

Historically, the species was widespread across Hainan, numbering in the thousands, but intensive hunting for Traditional Chinese Medicine and rapid, aggressive forest clearance for industry led to a precipitous decline in the 1950s-1980s.



Getting a fix on the song direction, we tear off towards the gibbons, racing against time, thorny undergrowth and slippery slopes to reach the group before they move on. After some hairy moments, we finally locate the group in a large fig tree.

Conventionally, gibbons are known to live in small, monogamous family groups consisting of one adult male, one adult female, and 1-2 offspring. However, for the Hainan gibbon, we see this polygynous (multi-female to one male) structure.


This is not the traditional picture of a gibbon social group. Conventionally, gibbons are known to live in small, monogamous family groups consisting of one adult male, one adult female, and 1-2 offspring. However, for the Hainan gibbon, we see this polygynous (multi-female to one male) structure in all of the existing groups. We also see larger overall groups, consisting of six or more members.

通过跟踪群体在整个景观中的范围,很明显,海南长臂猿的家居范围要大得多(估计在1.5-10公里之间2)比大多数长臂猿物种(约0.40 km2).

The drivers behind these apparently anomalous ranging and social habits are not clear, but one explanation is that theymay be a response到当前的外部压力。较大的房屋范围可能是质量有限和/或较差的栖息地的结果,大型,一夫多妻制的群体可能是由于当前人口规模很小而产生的可用伴侣。

This ambiguity makes it difficult to know what the best course of conservation action is for the species. This is a concern because for species that are on the very brink of extinction,time is of the essence- 决定性的行动可能意味着保护成功故事与物种灭绝之间的区别。

关于the research

To clarify things, we conducted a comparative analysis employing data from 39 populations of the 19 currently recognised gibbon species to identify intrinsic versus extrinsic drivers of variation in home range size, social group size, and mating system across the gibbon family.

We found that all three traits showed a strong phylogenetic signal, which means that gibbon species which are more closely related have similar home ranges, group sizes and mating system than expected just by chance.

But, by contextualizing what we see for the Hainan gibbon within the variation in these traits across all gibbons, we were also able to determine that the remnant groups at Bawangling do have larger home ranges than expected (relative to all other gibbon species). It seems that this is likely a result of the critically low population density at this site, rather than issues of habitat quality.

相反,尽管海南长臂猿具有较大的群体大小,但没有观察到的长臂猿大小(对于任何物种 /种群)与我们仅基于它们的系统发育关系所期望的明显不同。

Furthermore, there is no evidence that the polygynous mating system observed for the Hainan gibbon is driven by any existing external factors. This suggests that large, polygynous groups may be the norm for this species.





Second, any potential conservation activities must consider the complex, polygynous social structure of the species as an intrinsic component of its biology.


Perhaps, with careful but proactive conservation action based upon this sort of sound scientific evidence, in the near future the Hainan gibbon’s song can echo through the valleys of many Hainanese mountains once again.

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