Supporting young researchers in their efforts to publish successfully

Guest blog post byDr Valéry Ridde, an Associate Editor ofBMC Health Services Research。里德博士是University of Montrealwith research interests in the evaluation of health services organization. In collaboration with媚兰De Souza, Dr Ridde recently hosted a workshop on skills-building in scientific presentation and scientific writing at the第二全球卫生系统研究研讨会held in Beijing this year.

最年轻的人从来都不容易。虽然在最近的一些运动中,年轻人走了甚至在街上的锅里表达自己[1], in science, it is often only through publishing that they can be acknowledged academically. However, like many other fields, science is not always conducive to youngsters’ theories which may challenge mainstream ideas [2]。要成为一名有能力的,受人尊敬的科学家,需要参加科学会议,并在同行评审期刊上发表。博士生和开始科学生涯的人[3],有机会在会议上介绍他们的作品。当然,这是值得的,年轻的科学家应该抓住一切机会获得曝光,促进/捍卫他们的研究并发展良好的演讲技巧。自然,结果是一个重要的结果 - 但是如何传达其数据的结果同样重要。

The Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Antwerp organized the first新兴的声音workshop in 2010. Based on its success, the ITM organized the second workshop in Beijing in 2012 to support the active participation of emerging researchers in the第二全球卫生系统研究研讨会。For the two weeks before the conference, fifty young researchers from 26 countries attended workshops to strengthen their skills, particularly in scientific communication. It was on this occasion thatmyselfand媚兰, had the opportunity to host a two-hour workshop. We were able to share our scientific experiences—both as researchers and journal editors—offering tips and useful insights into the world of scientific publishing. Thepresentationwas dynamic, with “Ask the Expert” question sessions and technical explanations. We outlined the steps involved in the submission process and offered tactics on how to speed up the process and adopt a winning strategy. We showed how the different Biomed Central journals worked and how to use the Edanz website for selecting a suitablejournal。We obtained positive feedback from the 50 young scientists attending the workshop and, in the opening plenarysession在会议上,新兴的声音参与者能够发表意见。


1. O’Neill M:The Ottawa Charter: a manifesto for ‘the protestor’?Global Health Promotion2012,,19:3-5。

2. Ridde V, Mohindra K, LaBossière F:Driving the global public health research agenda forward by promoting the participation of students and new researchers: Perspectives from QuebecCanadian Journal of Public Health2008:460-465.

3. Ridde V, Mohindra K:The value of presenting at scientific conferences: reflections by a couple of early career researchersJ Epidemiol Community Health2008,63(3):doi:10.1136/jech.2008.077008.

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