Hala Harony-Nicolas博士

Hala Harony-Nicolas博士目前是西奈山伊坎医学院的精神病学助理教授。在以色列理工学院完成了学士学位,硕士学位和博士学位后,她于2008年在海法大学开始了博士后奖学金,然后于2011年在西奈山的伊坎医学院。兴趣包括社会行为缺陷的基础机制,自闭症谱系障碍的动物模型和自闭症谱系障碍中的催产素系统。The research in Dr. Harony-Nicolas’s lab applies integrated molecular and behavioral neuroscience approaches and uses transgenic rat models for autism spectrum disorder and neurodevelopmental disorders to study the mechanisms underlying social behavior deficits, with a focus on the oxytocin system, known as a major modulator of mammalian social behavior, and on brain circuits of social behavior.

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