Interview with a Retrovirologist: Sebla Kutluay in conversation with Carol Carter


我们是thrilled that our first pair of scientists is Drs. Carol Carter, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, SUNY Stony Brook and Sebla Kutluay, Assistant Professor of Molecular Microbiology, Washington University, St. Louis.


Sebla Kutluay:今天很高兴与您进行首次访谈系列。让我们从学习一些有关您的背景的知识开始,特别是您是否一直喜欢科学,也许是在小时候追逐后院的动物?

Carol Carter:Oh不,绝对不是呢I always think that one of the reasons why I became a “micro生物学家是因为我肯定不喜欢追逐动物。即使是我后院的鹿,我也希望在动物园里,但并不是真正的后院。作为第一年的研究生,我的工作非常有利可图,为几个免疫学家收集腹水液的工作费用为8美元/小时。当时,$ 8/小时被认为是“大笔”。当老鼠生病时,同窝仔会将他/她藏在稻草下面。因此,您可以想象,有很多创伤时刻,我发现了半食的身体碎片,并且真正巩固了我最终选择从事哪些生物系统,病毒,细胞等。换句话说,基础科学……

SK: And a virus that does not have a good animal model… So then, when did you first realize that you wanted to become a scientist?

CC:好吧,我真的不得不说,可能已经做了一些启动,因为我最早的回忆之一是我对4个小学老师的鼓励Th,5Thand 6Th等级。他曾经给我图书馆摆脱的旧书。其中一个被称为“发明书”。它被破坏了,有一个棕色的硬覆盖。阅读人们偶然发现他们发现的事物的方式绝对令人着迷。因此,我想说一些早期的启动,然后在高中时可能会更加专注。

卡特博士和她的同事,1986 - 1991


CC: My family teases me because one of the things I love to do is to sing. But the thing about it is and the reason my family teases me is because我不能sing!The other thing I love to do is to play the piano. And I bought one. But another thing I can’t do is play the piano. I definitely don’t have the time to practice. I keep promising them that “when I retire”, I am going to learn how to play the piano. But of course that’s ridiculous as I will probably have arthritic fingers!

SK: That’s funny as I always also tell people that if I were not a scientist and had talent, I would become a singer! At least you didn’t say you would become a doctor.

CC:Oh, no way呢我的意思是,在魅力礼服和乐趣之间,会有什么更好的职业?事实上,我的研究生第一年是一个有趣的一年,这是不寻常的一年。这是耶鲁大学第一次承认只有6个女孩的毕业生和1个男孩,而不是反过来。因此,我们肯定是联系的,今天我们仍然是朋友(图3)。我们举办了一年级的人才展,我们在其中替代了科学歌词作为经文The Sound of Music: We cast our department chair as the autocratic but kind Baron von Trapp and our faculty as the von Trapp children. It was great fun because it let me do all the things I like doing!



CC:我开始学习噬菌体,因为我发现噬菌体非常有趣,但我真的不与研究生院的第一位顾问相处。当我去部门主席并告诉他我必须离开那个实验室,,,,he considered me a heretic but permitted me to do so. So, for my second advisor, I chose a person who was 180 degrees different from the first one in just about every aspect.

最相关的属性是(1),他是一位经验丰富的动物病毒学家 - 一名流行病学家,研究了巴西土著人群中的麻疹病毒感染 - 他想扩展到基本的病毒学研究和(2),他非常野蛮。他带我去和他开会,并向我介绍了他的同龄人,他们是高级教师,将我暴露给那个时代的教科书中的名字!而且我认为他非常放纵让我阅读文学并弄清楚如何提出问题。

他向我介绍的一个人,对我成为动物病毒学家至关重要的人是Matthew Scharff at Albert Einstein University,现在是国家学院的成员。马蒂·沙夫(Matty Scharff)将该领域引入了用于培养动物病毒的Hela细胞。作为博士后,我对葡萄病毒because they were so unique with their double stranded RNA genome so I joined the laboratory of Aaron Shatkin. Fortunately for me, it was after I had achieved tenure to Associate Professor that the funding for reoviruses got very difficult because, although they were really interesting because of the double strandedness of the RNA, they did not cause any widespread disease. I knew it was time to switch fields when a NIH Program Officer to whom I had whined about funding said to me (and I quote), “Carol, NIH is in the business of funding health, not interesting science”. Lol.

Continue to read the full interview in逆转录病毒学

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