Odile Bain纪念奖2022:呼吁早期研究人员!

今年,奥迪尔·贝恩(Odile Bain)纪念奖(Odile Bain Memorial Prive)呼吁提供出色的早期职业科学家,他们在医学和兽医寄生虫学领域做出了重要的研究贡献。提交在2月底关闭!

奥迪尔·贝恩(Odile Bain,1939- 2012年)是一位鼓舞人心的女科学家,她一直支持年轻的寄生虫学家,并鼓励生物学家,兽医,医生以及基本和应用寄生虫学家之间的生产性合作。该奖项旨在表彰她的记忆,并旨在使奥迪尔(Odile)的合作精神与早期职业科学家的支持保持延续。


“The main focus of Odile’s activity”, said Professor Domenico Otranto during the latest award ceremony at the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) conference, “was the study of evolution, systematics and biology of filaroids of veterinary and medical concern, and the relationship of these worms with other groups of nematodes. These studies led Odile towards the exploration of many aspects of the biology of vectors responsible for the transmission of these parasites and the interaction with the vertebrate host. Her research greatly impacted on current knowledge of filarial disease, chemotherapy, immunology, and many other aspects of parasitology. Therefore, this prize was established to celebrate her outstanding contributions to medical and veterinary parasitology”.

“Everybody who had the luck to meet Odile, even just once”, said Mireille Killic Kendrick, one of Odile’s lifelong best friends, in a video message that was broadcast during the 2021 OBMP ceremony, “knows how wonderfully enthusiastic she was about research and parasitology. She was dedicated deeply to that. She was also a fantastic naturalist, always full of wonder… She was also a very happy person… particularly generous with those in need of help. For me, she had been for many decades, a close, exceptional friend, of the kind people rarely find in their lifetime”.

OBMP 2022(现在是第九版)正在呼吁参赛作品。提名人的资格标准为40岁以下(颁奖典礼的10月16日),并在过去5年内获得了博士学位。


当您考虑提交申请时,您可能想看看更多博客文章在过去几年中庆祝获奖者 - 完整列表在奖品页寄生虫和向量网站。

如果您是相关研究领域的早期职业科学家,请不要错过申请的机会 -但是快点,提交的截止日期是2022年2月28日!


