Michelindb - 一个新的在线平台,用于挖掘蠕虫 - 微生物串扰的可用数据

Today, Riccardo Scotti and Cinzia Cantacessi discuss the 'MICrobiome HELminth INteractions database' (MICHELINdb), an online resource created to facilitate the mining of worm-microbiota interaction datasets. The database is described in full in their paperScotti等人,published recently inMicrobiome




在过去的几十年中,对宿主 - 寄生虫相互作用机制的研究很大程度上涉及两个参与者:蠕虫和人类或动物宿主。尽管如此,另一个主要参与者可能会参加这个串扰,即肠道微生物组。的确,大部分蠕虫生活在宿主胃肠道中,因此与数万亿个细菌,病毒和真核生物共享其“家”,具有宿主营养,免疫发育和针对病原体的防御的关键功能。因此,蠕虫为宿主肠道定居的策略可能至少部分取决于与宿主微生物群的通信。因此,发现这种串扰的性质可能会导致控制蠕虫感染的新方法。

Research into parasite-microbiota crosstalk is booming; however, data published thus far is riddled with inconsistent and often contradictory findings. Moreover, comparisons between datasets generated in different host-parasite pairs are made difficult by the sheer variety of experimental protocols and microbiota characterisation techniques that might significantly affect the data.

为了促进蠕虫 - 微生物群相互作用数据集的逻辑挖掘,我们开发了微生物组蠕虫相互作用数据库(Michelindb),一个基于在线的免费平台,其中与host和寄生虫物种,感染部位,样本类型和宏基因组测序策略(其他等)上的相关元数据一起存储在单个蠕虫 - 微生物群相互作用的单个研究中产生的信息,并链接原始序列数据和已发表论文。

By increasing the accessibility of these datasets, we aim to provide the scientific community with a platform to identify gut microbial signatures that occur across several host-helminth systems, and facilitate the design of experiments aimed to disentangle the cause(s) and effect(s) of helminth-microbiota relationships.

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