Highlights of the BMC Series – July 2021

解构COVID -19错误二分法 - 识别准备全球变暖的西红柿品种 - 使用可穿戴设备避免孤立的死亡 - 在暴露于阳光癌的地区衰老的效果对结直肠癌的发生率较低 - 安全性和口腔 - 亲密微生物群移植的可行性溃疡性结肠炎的治疗。

BMC传染病 - COVID-19错误二分法以及有关公共卫生,COVID-19症状,SARS-COV-2传播,口罩戴和重新感染的证据的全面综述

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) represents an unparalleled challenge not only to our health systems, but also to our lives as a community. During the COVID-19 pandemic we have seen a lot of misinformation and polarization around topics related to the virus and its spread. In a commendable effort to shed some light on this issue, Escandón from Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, and colleagues present a comprehensive, engaging and well documented review that deconstructs six common COVID-19 false dichotomies: 1) Health and lives vs. economy and livelihoods, 2) Indefinite lockdown vs. unlimited reopening, 3) Symptomatic vs. asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, 4) Droplet vs. aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2, 5) Masks for all vs. no masking, and 6) SARS-CoV-2 reinfection vs. no reinfection. As a take-home message, the authors highlight the critical need for meaningful public health communication and science-informed policies that recognize shades of gray, uncertainties, local context, and social determinants of health.

BMC植物生物学 - 鉴定番茄剂作为改善热耐受性的新基因的来源:从受控实验到现场

The last report from the United Nations assessing climate change estimates a global average increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius in the next 20 years. Urgent climate actions are needed and governments should prepare to secure food sources with the ability to thrive under high temperature environments. In their study, Gonzalo and colleagues from Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain focus on one of the most important horticultural crops worldwide, the tomato. The researchers exposed 219 tomato varieties to high temperature stress in controlled greenhouse experiments and measured reproductive traits such as flower and fruit number production to evaluate their heat tolerance. Although extreme high temperatures strongly decrease these traits in most varieties, 15 of them showed significant heat tolerance as well as good agronomic performance in open field cultivation under moderate temperature stress. The study also includes a transcriptomic analysis that offers a wide look into the genetic control of the heat tolerance mechanisms, making it a valuable source for future breeding programs.

BMC医学伦理– Solitary death and new lifestyles during and after COVID-19: wearable devices and public health ethics


The affordability, availability and functionality of these devices make them invaluable tools, but the authors point out that a successful social implementation will require closing the digital divide and tailoring devices to user preferences. In addition, the use of wearable devices must respect the autonomy and personhood of users and there is a need for proper governance of the information produced by the devices, such as policies to limit access to data from wearables and the purposes for which that data can be used.

BMC公共卫生– Could age increase the strength of inverse association between ultraviolet B exposure and colorectal cancer?


By using UVB estimates data for 186 different countries obtained from NASA EOS Aura Spacecraft, authors modelled Vitamin D deficiency’s effects as a function of time where long-term chronic deficiencies correlate with increased incidence of colorectal cancer. Increasing age and environmental factors such as lower exposure to UVB radiation (e.g. living at higher latitudes) directly translated into a higher incidence of colorectal cancer. This association was more prominent in age groups over 45 years, even after taking into account factors such as life expectancy, smoking, skin pigmentation or stratospheric ozone.


BMC Gastroenterology – Daily, oral FMT for long-term maintenance therapy in ulcerative colitis: results of a single-center, prospective, randomized pilot study




Although this is a pilot study conducted on a small number of study subjects, it provides early evidence that warrants further studies on oral FTM treatments for UC.

