Scientists to be proud of


如果通常将增强多样性视为科学的进步,那么对这一事实仍然提出异议,即这可能代表了“社会工程学”的过程,该过程人为地倾向于某些人,而不是其他人,这是由关于该过程的争议所强调的。suspended CERN physicist亚历山德罗·斯特里亚(Alessandro Strumia)。

科学可能是一个高度偶然的过程,在纯粹的机会和意图的交汇处可能会发生发明和发现。在人际关系交流更复杂的研究环境中,并从更广泛的经验和背景中获取成功的结果可能会加速。学术环境过于均匀,可能会产生回声室或“feedback loop in scholarship正如最近指出的那样,这种特权并发布了多数声音。高等教育




最近学习描述了从询问STEM领域工作的LGBT个人如何发展和导航个人和专业身份的发现。研究人员说:“要遵守或掩盖身份的各个方面的压力,那些身份越来越深刻的是,他们的身份越来越远远[eg, whose gender identity matches the sex assigned at birth],白人,中产阶级,男人。”

Educational research has been focusing a lot recently on why women and ethnic minorities are harder to retain in STEM careers. A学习published inScience发现茎学科也是失去LGBT本科生,对生产力产生负面影响,并获得了在STEM中获得才华横溢的劳动力的机会。

“尽管某些机构取得了巨大进展,”Alfredo Carpineti博士,天体物理学家,科学作家和慈善信托基金会主席Pride in STEM,“ LGBT+ STEM中的人继续面对同龄人的歧视以及高级员工的高级成员。普遍缺乏资源可供选择。通常缺乏保护。让人们感到受欢迎并属于自己的研究领域并不普遍。”

What can be done in practice for equality of opportunity for everyone to contribute to science?

If fears are finally dispelled that political correctness is not artificially securing ‘quotas’ of minorities of all kinds, and that bad physicists or engineers are not hired just to tick the LGBT or feminist box, what improvements can be made in practice?

(Pexels的Sharon McCutcheon摄影)

Training, availability of resources, and actively promoted policies are essential, according to Dr Carpineti. “If institutions are serious about addressing homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia, they need to take visible and encompassing action. Tackling LGBT-phobic hate cannot be just a reaction to news of harassment within the university. I believe that training should be given to members of staff, and it should be comprehensive, covering all aspects of underrepresented groups: women, people of colour, disabilities, as well as LGBT specific topics”.

特别是变性人,是最边缘化的群体之一,可能面临歧视和欺凌。Carpineti博士继续说:“ LGBT人的身份,尤其是跨性别者和非二进制人的身份。”


LGBTSTEM日- 下一个是7月5日Th- 是认可的一天,在帮助提高认识和增加支持方面有很长的路要走。这是全球推动茎多样性和包容性的重要组成部分。

“去年LGBTSTEM天被数万庆祝Thousands of people worldwide via Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram”, says Dr Carpineti. “We hope that many more people join us this year. We have more communities and professional networks helping to co-organise the day and over 50 official supporters, including CERN and the European Space Agency. There are events being organised all over the world to mark the date. We are really excited to see what people decide to do on the day!”

You can read further BMC blogs on diversity and inclusion:

超出性别的多样性 - 新的一年承诺


Pride in STEMis a charitable trust working to showcase and support LGBT+ people within STEM disciplines. They organize events where these people have a chance to discuss their work and their experiences, challenging the assumption that they do not belong in STEM. Pride in STEM members also lend their voice to many causes to improve the conditions for LGBT+ people in academia, and they are one of theorganizations这率先参加了全球LGBTSTEM日计划。

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