Express Letter: a new article type forEarth, Planets and Space

Express Letter is an article type recently introduced inEarth, Planets and Space目的是为作者提供快速发表其研究的方式。Paola Teti要求两位作者谈论他们的论文,以及他们选择Express Letter作为文章类型的原因。

Earth, Planets and Space最近推出了一种新的文章类型Express Letter,目的是为作者提供快速发布有关其研究的简短报告的方法。

快递undergo a rigorous, but rapid, peer-review process. The average time between submission to first decision is 30 days, and from submission to publication is 104 days. So, if you want to publish quickly your results without undermining the quality, the Express Letter article type is what you were looking for.

我们要求两位作者谈论他们的研究以及他们选择新的Express Letter文章类型的原因。

A picture of the author, Yasuo Ogawa
Yasuo Ogawa

Yasuo Ogawa

解剖学的行为ive volcanic edifice at the Kusatsu–Shirane volcano, Japan, by magnetotellurics: hydrothermal implications for volcanic unrests
Kuo Hsuan Tseng, Yasuo Ogawa, Nurhasan, Sabri Bülent Tank, Naoto Ujihara, Yoshimori Honkura, Akihiko Terada, Yoshiya Usui & Wataru Kanda

Kusatsu-Shirane火山是日本中部的安第斯山脉 - 二十四里火山。它以在过去140年中频繁的phreatic爆发而闻名。


This paper imaged three-dimensional resistivity distribution using a natural electromagnetic method to a depth of 2km. The resistivity is an important physical parameter sensitive to the distribution of the low-permeability clay cap and the underlying geothermal fluids.

We imaged the bell-shaped clay cap, which seals the underlying high-temperature gas and fluids and deep magmatic brine below the brittle-ductile boundary. This 3D model, together with the seismicity, geodetic, and magnetic models, was interpreted as the cause of 2014 volcanic unrest.


我们提交了本文作为特刊的一部分Understanding phreatic eruptions – recent observations of Kusatsu-Shirane volcano and equivalentsas an Express Letter, which has a word limit of 5,000 words and a maximum of 5 figures.

This allows author to keep the main text concise and easy to read. However, interested readers can get more details from the supplementary material. We like this style. We were honored that our contribution was selected as one of the highlighted papers in 2020 by the journal.

A picture of the author, Takuto Minami
高托·米纳米(Takuto Minami)

高托·米纳米(Takuto Minami)

Temporal variation in the resistivity structure of the first Nakadake crater, Aso volcano, Japan, during the magmatic eruptions from November 2014 to May 2015, as inferred by the ACTIVE electromagnetic monitoring system
高托·米纳米(Takuto Minami), Mitsuru Utsugi, Hisashi Utada, Tsuneomi Kagiyama & Hiroyuki Inoue


Anomalous low resistivity zones are linked to magma, partial melt of rocks, hydrothermal fluid, and hydrothermally altered rocks in the volcanic body of interest.

Monitoring volcanoes by resistivity has recently attracted more interest from researchers because the temporal change in resistivity directly implies evolution of hydrothermal system and/or movements of magma associated with volcanic activities.

In this paper, we inferred the temporal change of 3D resistivity structure of the first crater of Mount Aso between August 2014 and August 2015 by inverting data sets of a controlled-source electromagnetic (EM) volcano monitoring system called ACTIVE.

We found an increase in resistivity 400 m beneath the surface through the magnetic eruption of Mount Aso starting in November 2014. We interpreted this change as evaporation of hydrothermal fluid due to ascending magma just before the start of the magmatic eruption. This paper became one of the earliest reports of temporal change in resistivity structure associated with volcanic eruption.

出版this research as an Express Letter inEPS对我们来说是一个很棒的经历。我们能够快速发布我们的倒置结果,并解释ASO山岩爆发期间获得的主动数据集。

Furthermore,EPS是开放式访问期刊,它使我们能够立即与相关领域的同事分享结果。EPS有七个部分:地磁,空中科学,地震学,火山学,地球科学和行星科学 - 一种结构,可帮助研究人员在每个研究领域找到并访问最新研究。

Also, the new content alert email I regularly receive helps me finding new publications in my field, but also in related fields.

找到更多关于快递信件on the journal website, where you can also access最近出版的快递

We encourage you to submit an Express Letter toEarth, Planets and Space。有关期刊的更多信息可以在journalSteering Committeewebsites

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