Addiction Should Be Treated, not Penalized: An interview with Nora D. Volkow

作为Springer Nature的SDG3良好健康和福祉计划的一部分,我们与美国国立卫生研究院国家药物滥用研究所主任诺bob游戏平台拉·沃尔科(Nora Volkow)就对成瘾的治疗进行了看法。

医学博士Nora D. Volkow是美国国立卫生研究院国家药物滥用研究所的主任。Volkow博士是一名研究精神科医生和科学家,呼吁美国对药物成瘾的政策进行转变:对于患有药物使用障碍的人,治疗而不是惩罚。

She argues that current laws and policies that criminalize and incarcerate people who use drugs are counter-productive, and exacerbate the current opioid overdose crisis and other addiction-related problems.

Dr. Volkow discussesher recent Perspective, 出版于神经心理药理学,with Elizabeth Yepez, Executive Editor for Medicine and Life Science Journals, and Rachel Daniel, Co-chair of the SN SDG Mental Health Research Group and Editorial Director for Springer Behavioral and Health Sciences Books.

Tell us about your decision to express these views in your official capacity of Director.
In my role as director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, I oversee the largest portfolio of funded research on addiction and related issues, and I see the scientific evidence every day. Last year, 2020, was the worst year on record for drug overdose deaths, despite advances in medical treatment for opioid use disorder and widespread recognition of the addiction and overdoses crises in the United States. As a country, we have to re-evaluate how we are addressing drug use, and the science provides some answers as to what is working and isn’t regarding the issue of criminalization.

We notice you use the term “substance use disorders.” Why that language?
对成瘾者最常见的一种误解ion is thinking that it is a choice, or a character flaw. It is not. It is a brain disease, a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and continued use despite harmful consequences, along with changes in brain circuitry. It is considered both a complex brain disorder and a mental illness. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V, the gold-standard text on mental illness that establishes diagnostic terminology, uses the term “substance use disorder.” It is important that our language choices, particularly in a professional context, reinforce that this is a disease that requires evidence-based medical treatment. This is still a major gap in the United States, both culturally as well as within healthcare settings.

Your piece highlights published studies (“abundant data”) that show that current enforcement, punishment, and treatment access disproportionately and negatively impacts Black lives. If this is already known, why does it persist?

There is evidence of positive outcomes associated with public-health approaches to drug use, however, there is considerable variation in drug laws and enforcement practices. Of the six current models of decriminalization for dealing with drug possession, four include an approach that employs a pathway to education, treatment, or social services.

As part of the Helping to End Addiction Long-term Initiative, or NIH HEAL Initiative, the Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) multi-site study is a good example of a public health-based approach. The JCOIN study is investigating approaches to increase high-quality treatment and care for people with opioid misuse and OUD in justice settings. JCOIN will test strategies to expand effective treatment and care in partnership with local and state justice systems and community-based treatment providers. Additionally, the JCOIN hub in New York is also studying an opioid court model as an alternative to imprisonment and aimed at reducing overdose, recidivism, and improve service delivery and linkage to medication for opioid use disorder.

Do you believe there is consensus behind this public health approach?

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