
在过去的二十年中,世界已经看到了来自埃博拉病毒,萨尔斯和梅尔斯的主要流行病。一些国家从中吸取了教训,其他国家也没有毁灭性的结果。在此博客中,凯文·卡瓦纳(Kevin Kavanagh)博士扩大了最近的报告和discusses the effects of insufficient preparation have had on the USA and what infrastructure needs to be in place to prevent this from happening again.

阿伦达蒂·罗伊(Arundhati Roy)观察到:“从历史上看,大流行者迫使人类与过去打破并重新想象他们的世界。” I however, have set my expectation lower for COVID-19, hoping that this pandemic will provide the motivation to make the changes we always knew needed to happen, but lacked the political will and motivation to implement them.

The United States’ failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic is multifaceted and started with a lack of infectious disease infrastructure and the failure to learn from outbreaks of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) and past epidemics. Of overriding importance, was a failure to conceptualize that we all live in the same biosphere. Whether we are confronting global warming, antibiotic resistance, or a pandemic; everyone’s actions affect the health and welfare of all. We cannot hope to control the spread of infectious diseases without international cooperation and universal access to healthcare.





Early detection of community spread is vital to generate the ‘Data-for-Action’ which is needed to stop the spread of dangerous pathogens.

Testing and Surveillance of Community Spread is Key to Stopping An Epidemic
Early detection of community spread is vital to generate the ‘Data-for-Action’ which is needed to stop the spread of dangerous pathogens.


Similarly, the United States had inadequate testing early in the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus entered our pacific Northwest. A decision was made not to adopt the World Health Organization test which was developed in Germany, and prohibit independent labs from performing Laboratory-Developed Tests. Instead, the United States was to rely on a test developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),发现有缺陷。这导致了何时获得测试的测试能力和限制性标准。未检测到无症状的传播,病毒在美国的整个社区中传播。

The United States has limited data on community spread for all of the pathogens你所列的疾病预防控制中心gent and Serious Threats。For the most part, what we know is based upon small studies which generate data from skewed populations admitted or seen within our healthcare system, and there is even limited data regarding MRSA, the most common organism responsible forCOVID-19患者的危险共感染。疾病预防控制中心确实收集了有关住院前三天内发生的MRSA感染的数据;这些数据被认为是社区感染的代孕,但并未向公众发布。

CDC guidance was also changed to no longer recommend screening for asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers. There was a resultant outcry from public health officials regarding how ill-advised this was; and who quickly retorted that without knowing community spread and identifying asymptomatic carriers,一个人无法控制大流行。The CDC quickly revised their guidance again and建议无症状载体测试,但在美国,相反的情况是预防耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)。反对识别承运人和在医院入院时对患者进行筛查,即使是对藏有生物体的人进行隔离和非宗教信仰(有关更多的人,请单击这里,这里这里)


The Need for a National Reporting System for Dangerous Pathogens
A major deficiency in the United States’ infrastructure was the absence of a national reporting system for infectious diseases. In 2012, the requirement for hospitals to keep an infection control log was eliminate, and the excuse given was that hospitals already track infections通过其他报告系统

However, of the CDC’s five contagions designated as ‘Urgent Threats’ onlyClostridioides difficile强制性地报道了国家一级的报道,以及仅耐甲氧西林的“严重威胁”金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)强制性地报告了国家一级,仅针对急诊医院。

这一大流行的关键课程之一是需要为所有危险病原体实施强制性的国家报告系统,该系统包括所有类型的healthcare facilities and providers.这是针对SARS-COV-2实现的,对于CDC的所有“紧急”和“严重威胁”,情况也是如此。国家报告系统需要涵盖所有类型的感染和共同感染。此外,还需要报道特定类型的感染,包括与导管相关的尿路感染,相关的血流感染和呼吸机相关感染。

该系统还需要实时和透明。响应于19,疗养院临时指导e in the United States requires facilities to, “Inform residents, their representatives, and families of those residing in facilities by 5 p.m. the next calendar day following the occurrence of either a single confirmed infection of COVID-19, or three or more residents or staff with new-onset of respiratory symptoms occurring within 72 hours of each other.” The same needs to be true for all dangerous pathogens in all types of healthcare facilities.


South Korea embraced public health strategies early on and to date has lost less than 500 residents in their country. If the United States would have followed this strategy early on, it would have lost approximately 3000 individuals (corrected for population), a far cry from the over 220,000 residents which have died from COVID-19.



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