Monthly Archives:February 2018

Unlocking state money for harm reduction – Darko Antik on helping NGOs in Macedonia


Following a workshop in Budapest on how to secure sustainable funding for harm reduction in Central and Eastern Europe, Jeffrey Lazarus has been speaking with participants about what is working in their countries. The resulting interviews were conducted as part of the European Joint Action on HIV and Co-infection Prevention and Harm Reduction (HA-REACT). For…Read more »


Are welders being exposed to harmful levels of zinc oxide?: A Q&A with Dr. Christian Monsé


Exposure to zinc oxide can cause ‘metal fume fever’, an illness known for its flu-like symptoms. Welders who work with thermal cutting, welding, and melting are often exposed to zinc oxide which is produced in the fumes when certain metals are heated. Workers in this field have set occupational exposure limits to prevent harmful exposure. And yet, arecent study published inParticle and Fibre Toxicologyhas shown adverse effects far below the concentration of the current exposure limit.
