What do the dog breeds tell about the makings of our best friends – and us?

A new study examining genetic diversity within dog breeds encourages dog breeders to consider the exchange of dogs between countries. Jaakko Pohjoismäki, corresponding author of the study, takes us through the new analysis of breeding practices.

In our study “Variation in breeding practices and geographic isolation drive subpopulation differentiation, contributing to the loss of genetic diversity within dog breed lineages”, published inCanine Medicine and Genetics, we used commercially obtained genomic data to study subpopulation differentiation in six popular dog breeds, Belgian Shepherd, English Greyhound, Finnish Lapphund, Italian Greyhound, Labrador Retriever and Shetland Sheepdog.

We found strong subpopulation differentiation in all of these breeds, which corresponded either to the geographic origin or the specialized breed lineages within the breeds. While we were expecting to see some differentiation, especially as the populations in some countries are based on a rather small number of founders, it was surprising to see how distinct these subpopulations were genetically and how rapid the genetic differentiation in some breeds had been. For example, the so-called herding lineage of the Finnish Lapphund has differentiated from the companion lineage in mere three decades without any geographic barriers, just driven by diverging kennel preferences.

Breed type differentiation in Belgian Shepherd and Finnish Lapphund
Breed type differentiation in Belgian Shepherd and Finnish Lapphund. © Pohjoismäki et al.


与广泛的离散,紧密定义的品种的理想相反,有些品种,例如北欧Spitz或Norrbottenspets,其繁殖试图模仿在野狗中运行的自然选择,可以看作是范式变化的例子在狗窝实践中。这种小型狩猎品种在芬兰通过严格的近交限制维持在芬兰,将每个父亲的幼犬数量限制为30,并有一本开放的螺柱书,并强调狗表演中的狗外观或资格,同时需要进行强制性健康检查以进行繁殖小狗。尽管曾经接近灭绝,但目前是most genetically diverse dog breeds在世界上。

Our study is also an example how commercially obtained genome data can be utilized to provide valuable information on subpopulation differentiation and genetic diversity of dog breeds. Data helps us also to understand the genetic relationships andancestral gene flow among the contemporary dog breeds,通常在品种爱好者中推测。

Lineage purpose differentiation in English Greyhound and Labrador Retriever
Lineage purpose differentiation in English Greyhound and Labrador Retriever. © Pohjoismäki et al.


Directional breeding is a powerful tool, which humans have applied for millennia to sculpt animals and plants alike. However, with power comes the responsibility to not do harm. Our greatest animal companions deserve us to see them in a broader view.

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