The estrous cycle surpasses sex differences

Today,Genome Biology发表研究研究雌性大鼠的发情周期如何影响基因表达。在这里,我们询问了这项工作的合着者,以解释更多,包括对性别差异的研究有什么影响。

fducotFlorian Duclot is a Research Faculty in the lab of Mohamed Kabbaj in the department of Biomedical Sciences at Florida State University. His work focuses on understanding how individuals, from the same sex or not, differ in emotional and social behaviors, with applications to related disorders.

MKabbaj2Mohamed Kabbaj是佛罗里达州立大学的生物医学科学和神经科学教授。他的研究旨在在精神疾病(包括抑郁症和药物滥用)的背景下,了解情感行为,社会行为和吸毒成瘾的个体差异和性别差异的神经生物学。

Can you explain what you set out to investigate and why?

Increasing evidence suggests that men and women differ in cognitive functions and emotional processing, resulting in clear sex differences in vulnerability to multiple neuropsychiatric or mood disorders.



In this study, we sought to characterize the changes in genes expression across the ovarian cycle and to determine whether these variations impact how females and males differ. To this end, we focused on examining gene expression in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), which is a critical regulator of mood and cognition in male and female rats.

Female rats display an estrous cycle (the name given to the reproductive cycle of non-primate vertebrates) similar to the human menstrual cycle with phases of high and low levels of ovarian hormones (although shorter in rats, 4-5 days, than in humans, which is 28 days).


Since ovarian hormones and estrogen in particular are known to have widespread effects on gene expression, we expected substantial differences in gene expression between the two stages of the estrous cycles that we focused on.

Since ovarian hormones and estrogen in particular are known to have widespread effects on gene expression, we expected substantial differences in gene expression between the two stages of the estrous cycles that we focused on.

However, our study was the first to investigate these differences in naturally cycling female rats in which a multitude of additional factors (hormonal or not) are at play and were thus likely to interfere with estrogens’ genomic effects.

It was thus with great surprise that we observed such a large number of differences across the estrous cycle, which exceeds 10 to 14 times the amount of differences seen between males and females.



In this context, it is important to note that we observed a variety of transcription factors among the genes varying across the estrous cycle. In particular, the immediate early gene early growth response 1 (Egr1) appeared as a critical candidate in explaining the estrous cycle-specific transcriptomic regulations and we were able to analyze its binding throughout the genome in the same conditions, thus confirming its involvement in controlling the genes varying across the estrous cycle.

What are the implications of your findings?

We first reveal that the mPFC undergoes a profound reorganization of its transcriptome across the estrous cycle, even in intact cycling females, and that the majority of genes between males and females were not the same in the two stages of the estrous cycle we analyzed.



This therefore reveals that the estrous cycle critically impacts the mPFC transcriptome, and demonstrates the need to control for the stage of the estrous cycle in research involving females, especially in the context of sex differences.

It is particularly important to note that dysregulations in the genes and biological pathways we found varying across the estrous cycle are recurring features reported upon cognitive decline or neuropsychiatric and mood-related disorders, thereby emphasizing the importance of accounting for the estrous cycle in any research using females.

In the context of an increasing consideration of females in neuroscience research encouraged by major funding agencies such as the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), we hope our work will prove useful to investigators for developing experimental designs better suited to females’ specificities.




