


学习通过评估Y染色体DNA和线粒体DNA来比较母亲和父亲的历史。这使他们能够衡量人类进化过程中性别偏见过程的影响,例如迁移和居住模式。此处使用的技术揭示了对人口历史的新见解,希望引入的方法应该广泛适用于该领域的进一步研究。AQ&A已发表在生物群落今天,与主要作家马克·斯通金(Mark Stoneking)一起,他提供了对研究的看法,包括有关他们如何解决古老的女性和男性人口(IM-)平衡的进一步信息。

染色体借助用于基因组分析的先进工具的可用性,近年来研究爆炸了,为人口统计学历史提供了新的见解。这不仅对于遗传学家,而且在相关领域,例如考古学,人类学,法医学甚至语言学,这是一个非常重要的发展,现在可以解决并有可能解决以前无法解决的问题。尽管这些结果引起了人们的极大兴趣,但至关重要的是,为了让我们知道任何断言是正确的,使用的方法必须准确。Arecent reviewby Chuan-Chao Wang等,也出版了调查遗传学,,,,addresses one of the biggest problems in Y-chromosome phylogenetic studies: getting a proper mutation rate calibration of the Y chromosome. Our DNA changes throughout evolution due to naturally occurring mutations, which can make demographic and lineage dating estimates incorrect if these mutations are not accurately taken into account. There is, however, still controversy in the field on which substitution rate should be used. In this review, the authors propose a higher substitution rate than suggested in many previous publications.

重要的是要记住在应用基因组学,一个d in many other scientific disciplines, that although we are using the best technology we’ve ever had access to, the current methods are not perfect. The reality is that sequencing does miss out parts of the genome, and population genetics is based on modelling. Specifically, estimates of population size are made based on the assertion that genetic variation represents the probability that everyone has the same chance of reproducing. While these calculations are tried and tested, being aware that results obtained are simulations (rather than actual figures) will help to make research of much greater use in the long term.

由山姆·罗斯(Sam Rose)撰写(@Rosenovich),期刊开发编辑投资igative Genetics

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