
If you’re looking forward to a festive tipple this Christmas, you’ve probably already been thinking about what to buy. But have you also thought about what atmosphere to create while you’re drinking your purchases, or whether more expensive necessarily means more enjoyable?

我们回顾了三项研究,由查尔斯·斯文斯(Charles Spence)教授合着,并在味道,,,,to bring you a festive guide to enjoying your booze. (Responsibly of course!)

It isn’t all about the money

If, like me, you enjoy some bubbles on Christmas morning, or quite frankly at any time, then you’ll be pleased to know that even a more modestly-priced champagne can get expert taste buds tingling. In a小型研究published at the end of November, Professor Spence and his fellow authors found that there was no correlation between price and how much the participants in a blind taste test liked various different types of champagne. (Though the expert tasters were more able to discern the differences between them.)

Previous reports – which were part of the inspiration behind this study – suggested that when tasters didn’t know the price, brand or origin of the wine they were tasting, they rated the one they most liked as the most expensive. Once they knew the details of the wine, however, the perceived liking changed. So knowing that a wine is more expensive or from a particular region can actually enhance your perceived liking of it – a ‘price placebo effect’ if you will.



至少要谈论一口葡萄酒,就像听到持续的音乐和弦的声音一样。” –肯特·巴赫(Kent Bach)的知识,葡萄酒和品味:知识是什么好(享用葡萄酒)?

Spence教授的另一项研究,今天发表在味道,想调查上述声明,以及other similar writing from wine experts which compares wine with music. Can you match certain wines to certain types of music, and does listening to music enhance the drinking experience?



So what does this mean for our wine choices this Christmas? We’ve looked at the wine characteristics from the study and paired them up with some of the track(s) they were better matched with. You can even access our Spotify playlist of all the music used in the experiment here:https://play.spotify.com/user/biomed_central/playlist/0UqnnKx4dExkADvv9x46VH

葡萄酒的类型和特征 轨道
长相思。(证明酸度)品尝笔记:非常细,纯净和精致。用剃须刀尖锐的酸度清洁,并通过新鲜的黑加仑叶风味平衡。 莫扎特(Mozart
黑比诺。(表现出水果的纯度)品尝笔记:甜美和水果堆满了新鲜的樱桃,香料,地球和鼻子上的游戏。丰富,天然甜的红色水果层。 Ravel在F Majortchaikovsky的弦乐四重奏在D大调中的第1号弦乐四重奏 - 运动2
赤霞珠。(展示单宁)品尝笔记:花香,水果和香料香气的微妙组合显然存在,但没有单一的香气主导。 Tchaikovsky的弦乐四重奏在D大调 - 运动2
Sauternes - Semillon葡萄(表现出甜味。 这款酒的音乐之间没有显着差异,因此请继续前进!


虽然自己不是普通威士忌酒的人,但我绝对可以在一个寒冷的冬夜里欣赏一杯威士忌的吸引力。根据Spence教授及其合着者的说法评估多感觉环境对威士忌酒饮酒体验的影响it’s possible to change your perception of a whisky by creating different environments to drink it in.

At a whisky tasting event, participants were asked to sample the same whisky in three different rooms. The rooms had been to designed to have a unique visual appearance, soundscape, fragrance, and feel which would emphasize a different attribute of the whisky; its grassiness, sweetness, or woodiness. It was found that participants rated the whisky as more ‘grassy’, ‘sweet’ or ‘woody’ in accordance with which room they were in.

So why not give it a go and see if you can create a sensory drinking experience at home?调味品迷的博客有一些很棒的技巧可以帮助您做到这一点。

So I wish you all a very enjoyable Christmas, and while I certainly don’t want to be accused of being a spoil sport, I wouldn’t be responsible if I didn’t also say that we advise enjoying all of these recommendations in moderation!

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