Effects of agricultural pesticides on insecticide-resistance and ‘fitness’ of malaria vectors in south-eastern Tanzania


Malaria continues to persist globally despite many years of concerted efforts to control and eliminate the disease.

在所有疟疾流行病地区,撒哈拉以南非洲地区生产es the heaviest burden of the disease,,,,with approximately 96% of deaths reported worldwide occurring in this region.

在用于防止疟疾传播的主要控制措施中,蚊子载体的控制是非洲预防疟疾的基石,包括室内残留喷涂(IRS),,,,Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs),,,,environmental-based controls, and biological controls (e.g. natural predation by certainfish,,,,geckos等等)等。

In spite of evidence of gradual declines in cases since the year 2000, the疟疾的发病率正在增加,,,,particularly in countries with high malaria burdens. Compared to 2019, 14 million more cases and 69,000 additional deaths were reported in 2020, leaving current estimates at approximately 241 million cases and 627,000 deaths from malaria worldwide each year.

可能会恶化这一点,许多媒介控制策略受到迫在眉睫的挑战的威胁,例如疟疾媒介物种分布的转变,他们的叮咬模式的变化,,,,and fromwidespread insecticide resistancein targeted malaria vector species.

Insecticide resistance is particularly worrying, as insecticides are a mainstay of many vector-based control measures. Several of the chemicals used in insecticides for public health settings are also used in agriculture, and there are similarities in the insecticide use practices and usage environments between the two sectors.

一般来说,代的杀虫剂耐药性在蚊子中,通过适应发生在蚊子种群上施加的强烈选择压力resulting from their continuous contact with the insecticides. This leads to the ever-present risk of mosquitoes acting as vectors of malaria developing resistance through their continual exposure to high doses of insecticides due to their overlapping use in public health and agricultural practises, asshown by a study from Côte d’Ivoire

目前有no stewardship of insecticide use in these sectors,,,,nor integration of their management and use practises.

已经表明,抗杀虫剂可以诱导‘fitness cost’in the resistant mosquito, such as those impacting their繁殖力,,,,larval development, adult emergence rates, body size, survivability and lifespan, among other things.



Map of four study villages in Kilombero and Ulanga districts of south-eastern Tanzania. Source:Urio et al., 2022


  • 与农民讨论他们的土地和农药实践。
  • 从四个村庄收集的蚊子中确定农药耐药性,繁殖力和翅膀长度(称为适应性参数)。
  • 实验室饲养的蚊子的实验性暴露于农业农药的亚致死剂量,随后测量对公共卫生杀虫剂的耐药性以及繁殖力和翅膀长度的变化。

Farming practises in south-eastern Tanzania

Data showed that rice cultivation was most common across the four villages.Agrochemicaluse was heavy in three of the four villages, and mainly consisted of pyrethroid and organophosphate use.



Across all four villages, collected mosquitoes were found to be susceptible to DDT.

In three of the villages, resistance to twopyrethroids((lambda cyhalothrin and permethrin) was observed, and additional resistance to a carbamate (bendiocarb) 和有机磷酸盐((pyrimiphos methyl) was detected in two of those same villages. Mosquitoes from only one village were found to be susceptible to all five pesticides (V4).


对公共卫生部门和农业中使用的五种杀虫剂的现场收集的疟疾载体(Anopheles gambiae(S.L.))的死亡率百分比。红色和蓝色的线分别考虑将蚊子视为抗性或易感的90%和98%的死亡率阈值。CO =实验室蚊子。村庄:v1 = minepa,v2 = lupiro,v3 = kisawasawa,v4 = njage。Urio et al., 2022

Effects of sub-lethal pesticide exposures on fitness parameters of mosquitoes

Overall, there was no clear difference in insecticide susceptibility between mosquitoes exposed to sub-lethal doses of pesticides during their larval((aquatic stage),那些不暴露于农药的人。

Likewise, there were only minor decreases in fecundity in adult mosquitoes exposed to pesticides as larva, and those that weren’t exposed. Exposure to organophosphates prior to emergence as adults did however significantly reduce fecundity when the mosquitoes matured, as well as significantly reducing the overall wing length of those mosquitoes.


In this study, mosquitoes collected from the four villages in south-eastern Tanzania were generally resistant to pesticides used in both public health and agricultural settings, except one village that reported minimal pesticide use, with mosquitoes from this village determined to be the most susceptible population studied. This demonstrates a clear association between agricultural pesticide use, public health insecticide use, and mosquito resistance.



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