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土壤传播的蠕虫(STH)and血吸虫病(SCH)是全球最广泛的被忽视的热带疾病(NTD),估计有15亿和2.4亿个人在全球范围内被感染。在埃塞俄比亚,目前有3600万和500万人感染了STH和SCH。STH集体指的是round虫(ascaris lumbricoides;al),鞭子(Trichuris Trichiura;TT), hookworm (Necator Americanus,,,,Ancylostoma duodeNaleandAncylostoma ceylanicum;HW)和Thusworm(强叶蛋白酶刺;SS). The血吸虫流血引起泌尿生殖器(血吸虫血吸虫病;SH) or intestinal (血吸虫mansoni;SM)SCH。通常,STH和SCH卵在感染个体的粪便中排出,并污染了土壤和水源。因此,它们的存在被认为是卫生和卫生不良的代理标记。

埃塞俄比亚设定了雄心勃勃的国家目标,即在2020年之前将STH和SCH作为公共卫生问题取消,并在2025年破坏其传播。最近的评论presented epidemiological data on STH and SCH prevalence, stratified by region, species, age and diagnostics.


Bringing down the worms: STH & SCH trends in different regions of Ethiopia

The systematic review of published studies between 2000-2020 identified 267 datasets suitable for data extraction. All nine Ethiopian regions reported STH and SCH prevalence, the majority of which were reported in Amhara (38%). Interestingly, sample population focus has shifted over time, moving from community-wide perspectives, to school-aged children (SAC) and pre-SAC.

A total of 402,189 stool samples extracted from the 267 datasets informed the resultant parasite prevalence and intensity measures used for the analysis. Parasite prevalence decreased over time for most species, as shown in the following graph.

STH和SCH的患病率在1994年至2019年之间。阿斯卡里斯·隆布里塞德(Al; a),trichuris trichiura(tt; b),钩虫(hw; c),strongyloide stercoralis(ss; d),曼森(Scistosoma Mansoni(SMSM; sm;e), and Schistosoma haematobium (SH; f) infections between 1994 and 2019. Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r; top right corner of each plot with associated p-value) was used to measure the linear correlation between parasite prevalence and study date. Study populations, differentiating between pre-school-aged children (pre-SAC), SAC and community-wide study populations, are indicated by different colours, whilst point size indicates study population size (see legend) (g). The trend line was not weighted by sample size. Note the SS graph y-axis range is from 0 to 70, and differs from that of the other plots.

The most statistically significant decrease was demonstrated by TT (34–2%), whilst a significant reduction was also seen in SM (45–14%), AL (34–11%) and SH (35–6%).


a–e Regional prevalence change in Amhara (yellow), Oromia (red), Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR; turquoise) and Tigray (grey). Prevalence change of AL (a), TT (b), HW (c), SS (d) and SM (e) infections between 1994 and 2019, stratified by region for Amhara (n = 102), Oromia (n = 67), SNNPR (n = 59) and Tigray (n = 21). Pearson’s correlation coefficient (top right corner of each plot with associated p-value) was used to measure the linear correlation over time between parasite prevalence and study date.


最值得注意的是,历史SAC-focused大规模药物administration (MDA) is reflected in the age-prevalence distribution of parasite burden. AL and TT showed the most pronounced deviation from the typical distribution of infection, as higher parasite burdens were seen in adults compared to pre-SAC, SAC and adolescents. HW showed higher than expected infection levels in SAC, yet remained typically high in adults. This chiefly demonstrates the interaction of natural age-prevalence distributions on MDA efficacy. AL and TT are normally found in higher burdens in pre-SAC and SAC age groups, which decreases in adulthood. Therefore, SAC-focused MDA has successfully reduced the SAC parasite burden whilst simultaneously creating an infection reservoir in adults.



总体而言,整个评论中都注意到了19种不同的诊断方法。卡托–卡茨(35%)和正式的以太浓度技术(fect)(5%)主要使用独立或组合使用(6%)。卡托–卡茨灵敏度取决于STH强度。在高强度和低强度设置之间,单幻灯片精度从74–95%降至53-80%。这种敏感性可以通过加倍每个样品读取的幻灯片,低强度设置中的50-80%。A third of reviewed studies used single Kato–Katz slides, demonstrating the need to update Ethiopia’s diagnostic protocol to accurately report the low prevalence desired for elimination.



此博客文章中的研究发表在lcntdrCollection: Advances in scientific research for NTD control,,,,伦敦被忽视的热带疾病研究中心(lcntdr)。该系列已经出版寄生虫和向量自2016年以来,并定期发布新文章。该系列的特点是LCNTDR成员机构及其合作者执行的NTD科学研究的最新进展。它的目的是强调LCNTDR为实现联合国可持续发展目标所做的广泛工作,并支持世界卫生组织路线图2021 - 2030年的目标。

LCNTDR于2013年启动,目的是为NTD提供重点的运营和研究支持。LCNTDR,联合计划自然历史博物馆, 这伦敦卫生与热带医学学院, 这皇家兽医学院, 这Partnership for Child Development, 这SCI基金会((formerly known as the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative) and伦敦帝国学院,进行跨学科研究,以建立围绕NTD计划的设计,实施,监视和评估的证据基础。


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