照顾患者 - 不仅是疾病

BMC肾脏病博客编辑Sumeska Thavarajah博士写了“照顾患者 - 不仅仅是疾病”,以重申将每个患者视为个人的重要性。


In a previous issue,Ozieh等。查看健康决定因素(抑郁症,粮食不安全,贫困水平)对所有导致1376名患有糖尿病和慢性肾脏疾病的人死亡的个人和累积影响。即使对人口统计学,生活方式变量,血糖控制和合并症的调整,社会决定因素也与死亡率显着相关。抑郁与死亡率独立相关。拥有所有3个地区的个人的死亡风险高41%。卫生保健提供者已经认识到,社会经济因素在获得护理,健康素养和遵守治疗方面影响健康,但影响程度已被低估。

与拥挤的办公室/诊所schedul的挑战es and numerous competing health conditions needing evaluation, the ability to spend time to understand the economic situations or characteristics of a patient’s life is not often available. Physicians may be limiting the ability to treat patients without that information. This understanding would serve to strengthen the provider-patient relationship. Perhaps the approach for the initial assessment for diabetes care, chronic kidney disease or hypertension care would include questions to gauge food insecurity, ability to follow specific diet, or ability to get to appointments.This information would allow creation of feasible plans of care and eliminate the usually inaccurate assumptions that an individual not following a prescribed treatment is a result of lack of care by the patient.


