
Growing concerns about antimicrobial resistance has resulted in increased scrutiny of antibiotic prescribing trends. In England, antibiotic prescribing targets are set nationally but little is known about the local context of antibiotic prescribing. Adam Todd explores this area further in hisstudypublished today inBMC Public Health.


自从1920年代亚历山大·弗莱明(Alexander Fleming)发现青霉素以来,已经开发了150种抗菌药物,用于人类或兽医使用。这些药物对传染病和人口健康的影响非常显着。现在可以使用医生开出的抗生素成功控制一种曾经认为的严重细菌感染。并非总是如此,因为我们的祖父母可能会作证:细菌感染通常是致命的,可用于治疗此类感染的选择受到限制。

医生们一直敦促减少一个tibiotics they prescribe when it is safe and appropriate to do so.

This “golden age” of discovery may, however, soon come to an end, as more and more bacteria are becoming resistant to the antibiotics available to us. It is for this reason that healthcare organizations across the world have been focusing on developing stewardship policies to promote the appropriate use of antibiotics. In England, the situation is no different, and the Department of Health and Social Care have developed an antimicrobial resistance strategy. As part of the plan, doctors have been urged to reduce the amount of antibiotics they prescribe when it is safe and appropriate to do so. As the majority of antibiotic prescribing occurs in primary care, healthcare providers working in this setting are set specific prescribing targets.

It is important to establish if the polices are working from an antibiotic stewardship perspective, but also that these polices are fair, and do not penalize communities in the most need of care. Our work aimed to address these questions. To do this, we used antibiotic prescribing data from the NHS, as well as working out the characteristics of the local areas in England using nationally available data sources.

Our study


Overall, we found that, in England, the plan to reduce antibiotic prescribing appears to be working: since 2014, antibiotic prescribing has reduced by around 14 per cent. We also found that prescribing of certain classes of antibiotics, namely those considered broad spectrum, have also reduced.

When we considered local factors in our analysis, we showed that the most deprived areas of England had the highest levels of antibiotic prescribing. When we adjusted for two long-term conditions – diabetes and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – both of which are associated with increased antibiotic use, we still found higher levels of antibiotic prescribing in the most deprived areas of England. We also showed that geography was an important factor too: compared to London, all other areas of England had higher levels of antibiotic prescribing – with the East of England, and the North East of England having the highest levels.




The bottom line is if someone is in medical need of an antibiotic, they should be prescribed it, regardless of the characteristics of their local area or where they live.

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