
Celebrating Human Rights Day • Do opioid treatment policies prevent opioid-related hospital readmissions? • A new self-assessment tool for cancer patients with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy • Does caregiving make baby boomer women depressed? • Thematic series on Advanced Biofuels for CO2 Mitigation • Image of the month


人权日is held on the 10ThDecember, the date that the United Nations General Assembly adopted theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights。To mark this occasion, Professor Siroos Mirzaei, an Associate Editor forBMC国际健康与人权and Head of the Department of Nuclear Medicine of the Wilhelminen Hospital in Vienna, with Professor Thomas Wenzel, an Associate Professor from the Medical University of Vienna, were invited to write a blog post on the role that physicians play in upholding human rights and the dangers associated with this.

作者解释说,医师经常面临各种不同的道德和人权问题。例子包括被要求违反所谓的道德标准“双重义务”情况,例如参与折磨囚犯的计划和观察。医师也可以发现自己严重的风险保留法律和道德标准。然后,Mirzaei和Wenzel通过讨论身体可能面临的新道德挑战的攻击,例如,与医疗技术或医疗技术或health related aspects of conflicts


作为正在进行的一部分发表的新文章阿片类药物使用障碍的卫生服务研究Thematic series inBMC Health Services Research,调查不同的阿片类药物治疗策略n the USA and how these variations may affect opioid-related hospital readmissions in different states

这样的政策包括,例如好的撒玛利亚法律,,,,The availability of naloxone to reverse the effects of an overdose or the provision of medication-assisted treatment for opioid dependence. Blanchardet alconducted a study to assess whether such state opioid treatment policies had an effect on 90-day opioid-related hospital readmissions.



化学疗法诱导的周围神经病((CIPN) is a progressive condition experienced by up to 40% of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Symptoms include numbness, tingling and sensitivity to cold in the hands and feet and sometimes in the arms and legs. It can cause sufferers to lose function of the affected limbs. Diagnosing and treating CIPN quickly may prevent this loss of physical function.

化学疗法诱导的周围神经病((CIPN) is a progressive condition experienced by up to 40% of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Knoerlet al最近发表了一项试验结果,该试验通过新开发的电子症状评估 - 癌症(ESRA-C)干预评估了接受神经毒性化疗(已知引起CIPN的化学疗法)的癌症患者的身体功能。文章报告说,以这种方式报告症状时,患者的身体功能减少了大大减少。

BMC妇女健康: Is caregiving by baby boomer women related to the presence of depressive symptoms? Evidence from eight national surveys


Baby Boomer women living in countries where a higher proportion of their peers are expected to be in managerial/professional employment and living in countries where women are often in vulnerable employment were found to be at greater risk of displaying symptoms of depression


BMC能量: Thematic series on Advanced Biofuels for CO2 Mitigation

BMC能量is inviting submissions to the newly launched thematic series on “Advanced Biofuels for CO2 Mitigation,” covering topics from strain development and cultivation to biorefineries of microalgae for biofuels.



此图像取自科赫的一篇文章et alon the sea urchin tree of life and shows the morphological and taxonomic diversity of echinoids included in this study.

