
采访教授Gabriel Richet•审查of systems medicine in cardiovascular disease • Correlation between poor diet and smoking • Comparing doctor performances based on gender and country • The role of psychological distress on poverty among older Australians • Digit sucking and dental anxiety

BMC Nephrology:The Pioneers of Nephrology – Professor Gabriel Richet: “I will maintain”

加布里埃尔·里奇特(Gabriel Richet)于2010年在巴黎的家中。

该亮点博客以Piccoli,Richiero和Jaar介绍的采访开头,最近出版BMC Nephrology。Professor Gabriel Richet (1916-2014) is considered to be one of the pioneers of European Nephrology.

In this interview, recorded in Paris in 2010, Professor Richet gives an account of the early days of European Nephrology, describing himself as a “lucky man” and stating his view on what he considered the moral stature that every physician should have.

BMC Systems BiologySystems medicine in cardiovascular disease

这篇评论已作为正在进行的“系统医学”主题系列的一部分发表BMC Systems Biology并概述了目前用于进一步了解心血管疾病(CVD)的系统生物学工具。在这里,Zeller及其同事指出,应用创新的方法来增加我们对CVD原因的理解可能会更好地评估所涉及的风险事实,并为量身定制的疗法铺平道路。


BMC公共卫生More to gain: dietary energy density is related to smoking status in US adults

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and is associated with a number of chronic diseases, such as CVD, cancer and stroke. Poor diet is also one of the top three preventable risk factors for CVD as well as being linked to obesity. Due to the pharmacological effects of nicotine, cigarette smoking is negatively associated with obesity.

在这项研究中,发表在BMC公共卫生,麦克林和同事研究了吸烟与饮食不良之间的相关性。他们分析了2013 - 2014年国家健康和营养检查调查(NHANES)的数据,发现吸烟与饮食能量密度之间存在牢固的线性关系(ED),表明高脂肪食品的消耗量很高,例如马铃薯薯条,例如马铃薯薯条,饼干和加工奶酪,而不是低温食品,例如绿叶蔬菜,水果和意大利面。

The authors conclude by stating that this demonstrates that that smoking is associated with poor diet and also that former smokers, although consuming a lower-ED diet than smokers, have a poorer diet compared to people who have not smoked at all.

BMC Medical EducationPassing MRCP (UK) PACES: a cross-sectional study examining the performance of doctors by sex and country

In general, female doctors earn less and are less likely to be senior authors on academic paper but are also less likely to be sanctioned and have been found to perform better academically and clinically. International medical students also tend to perform less well academically that those from the UK, USA or Canada. What is not known, however, is to what extent gender influences performance.

Here, in an article recently published inBMC Medical Education,Unwin等人通过皇家医师学院(英国)对临床检查技能(PACES)考试的实际评估来研究性别与绩效之间的关联。以7671速度的结果,对三组分析了第一次通过率的性别差异:(1)英国医学毕业生(2)在通用医学委员会(GMC)和(3)Non-UK没有GMC注册的医学毕业生。

It was found that, for all groups, female doctors were more likely to pass at their first attempt, with the differences between genders particularly significant for non-UK medical graduates that were not registered with GMC. The authors conclude that further investigation is required in order to explain these results and also how examination performance may relate to performance in practice.

BMC心理学Psychological distress increases the risk of falling into poverty amongst older Australians: the overlooked costs-of-illness

In this article, recently published inBMC心理学,Callander and Schofield describe their research into whether high psychological distress is associated with poverty among older adults living in Australia. Using data from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australian (HILDA) survey, they performed a longitudinal analysis using tailored Poisson regression models to estimate the risk of a person falling into poverty with adjustments made for age, employment status, place of residence, marital status and housing tenure.


The researchers found that men, being psychological distressed increased their risk of falling into income poverty by 1.68 and multidimensional poverty (taking into account income, health status and education attainment) by 3.40. For women, having high psychological distress increased the risk of multidimensional poverty by 2.15. Based on this Is evidence, they conclude that falling into poverty has been an overlooked cost of poor mental health.

BMC口腔健康:General anxiety, dental anxiety, digit sucking, caries and oral hygiene status of children resident in a semi-urban population in Nigeria

人们认为,当他们患有焦虑或其他情绪问题时,有些人会吮吸手指或拇指(数字吮吸)。在这项研究中,发表在BMC Oral Health一组研究人员调查了数字吮吸是否不仅是一般焦虑的指标,而且是与牙科问题有关的焦虑,例如尼日利亚一群儿童的龋齿。



Results showed that, although digit sucking is not a significant predictor of dental anxiety and general anxiety, children with high general anxiety and high dental anxiety are more likely to have caries and good oral hygiene respectively.

