

In a recentBMC兽医研究blog我们讨论了癫痫是兽医实践中最常见的疾病之一。尽管狗中癫痫的真正患病率尚不清楚,但据估计每130个th兽医诊所中出现的狗会遭受这种疾病的困扰 - 当您认为通常每天的兽医候诊室多么忙碌时,这真是令人惊讶。


在我们以前的博客中,提出了一些建议来克服这些问题,包括从国际工作队中汲取灵感国际反对癫痫联盟to create a set of standards and guidelines for researchers to adhere to.

I have no doubt that this work will lead to better care for our patients with epilepsy

Prof Holger Volk
Royal Veterinary College, London


Professor Holger Volk((Royal Veterinary College, London), who is the Section Editor for the神经学和神经科学section inBMC兽医研究,,,,established and chaired the IVETF in 2014. He is understandably extremely proud of the IVETF’s collaboration saying that “I feel very privileged, humbled and honoured to have worked and learned from all these highly skilled, knowledgeable and prestigious colleagues. I have no doubt that this work will lead to better care for our patients with epilepsy”.

Matiasek et al. - Figure 6 - https://www.biomedcentral.com/1746-6148/11/216
Matiasek et al. - Figure 6 - https://www.biomedcentral.com/1746-6148/11/216


BMC兽医研究Associate Editor,教授安德里亚·菲舍尔(Andrea Fischer)(慕尼黑大学)对她作为IVETF的一部分的贡献也感到兴奋,并讨论了她认为这些论文的确将在兽医神经病学领域产生影响。她补充说:“兽医神经病学的未来在于在全世界进行多中心研究,重点是对遗传学,病理生理学和癫痫治疗的研究。因此,迫切需要一种统一的语言和对品种特异性癫痫综合征的清晰描述。”

These papers also highlight how effective collaboration between human and veterinary disciplines can be, which groups such as theOne Health Initiative认为是必须的如果我们要起的桥梁感情n the medical and veterinary worlds and advance scientific research. It was therefore important to the IVETF that they included and/or consulted with both veterinary and human neurologists and neuroscientists, practioners, neuropharmacologists and neuropathologists to share their extensive knowledge whilst creating the consensus papers. It is the first time this many veterinary neurology clinicians and neuroscientists have formally agreed on the key aspects of canine and feline epilepsy.

The IVETF have agreed on the followingseven consensus statementswhich marks the successful start to this group’s work. It is the hope that each statement will help advance the field of canine and feline epilepsy and ultimately lead to better care of our beloved companions suffering from this disease.

  1. International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force consensus report on epilepsy definition, classification and terminology in companion animals
  2. 国际兽医癫痫工作组共识建议:狗癫痫的诊断方法
  3. 国际兽医癫痫工作组当前对纯种狗遗传或遗传起源的特发性癫痫的理解
  4. International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force consensus proposal: Medical treatment of canine epilepsy in Europe
  5. International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force Consensus Proposal: Outcome of therapeutic interventions in canine and feline epilepsy
  6. 国际兽医癫痫工作组建议兽医特定的MRI方案
  7. International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force recommendations for systematic sampling and processing of brains from epileptic dogs and cats

