Monthly Archives:November 2014

GP chlamydia testing rates: previously unexplored associations


Written by Veronica Wignall, Assistant Editor, BMC Series Chlamydia, the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI), is easily tested for and easily treated. However, since the disease is asymptomatic in over 80% of cases it can remain undiagnosed, leading to increased transmission between sexual partners and a higher incidence in the population. Left untreated,…Read more »


Measuring the impact of humanitarian assistance

Leuhan 2007

With few measures currently agreed upon, how can we judge the impact of humanitarian assistance following natural disasters? In this guest post, Christopher Lee*, tells us about his new paper just published in BMC Public Health, which describes an impact assessment of humanitarian services carried out in Aceh, Indonesia, following the 2004 tsunami. On a sunny morning…Read more »


Behind the image: Kyle Harrington


“Although much of the future of science will be driven by computational research, there is a critical need to maintain a close connection to the experimental research.” A seven year old boy shown a computer program for the first time was so enthralled by it that he set himself up for a career working with…Read more »


Cannabis delivery, canine epilepsy and the cure for a broken heart: highlights of the BMC Series in October 2014

Delivering cannabis more effectively • Proteins in the extremes • Predicting C.difficile drug targets • The best treatment for canine epilepsy • Treating the elderly cancer patient • Taming Arabidopsis • Just another incentive scheme • The cure for a broken heart? Pharmacology: Delivering cannabis more effectively Interest in the use of cannabis as a…Read more »

Biology Medicine